What MLB team will start the season hot?

2016-02-04 5:57 pm

回答 (8)

2016-02-12 2:33 pm
2016-02-05 7:14 am
Go Reds!
2016-02-04 8:34 pm
If you have good pitching you may dominate in the early going, when you come out of spring training, the pitcher are way ahead of the hitters.
2016-02-05 5:15 pm
Blue Jays
2016-02-05 10:49 am
This will be the Cubs year.
2016-02-04 11:24 pm
This will be the Cubs year.
2016-02-04 8:01 pm
I say.....The Padres...

...for no apparent reason.
2016-02-04 6:12 pm
Chicago Cubs. Go Cubs go!

I think they will win the division to, barring any injuries of course. But, I don't think the Cubs, Cards, and Pirates will all finish with 90+ wins like last year. I think the Cubs will win the Division with around 85 wins.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:38:50
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