What is the original Yiddish of this saying? If God wants people to suffer, he sends them too much understanding.?

2016-02-04 3:00 pm

回答 (3)

2016-02-06 6:05 am
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I think that's a "Yinglish" or more Americanized form of the Yiddish saying that goes "Az Gott vil ainem dos hartz opshtoissen, git er im a groissen saichel." It translates more literally from the Yiddish to say in English, "When God wants to break a man's heart, he gives him a lot of sense."

Yiddish has adapted many Hebrew words and it is written in Hebrew script. The phrase above is a transliteration of course that reflects my uncle's pronunciation.
I found this article about the Yiddish word saichel ( or as they call it both sechel and seychel )to help better get the gist of this Yiddish saying.

Remember, when you see the ch sound in Yiddish it's not pronounced like a ch in choo choo train but like the ch of achtung , the throat clearing kinda back of the throat sound
參考: Learned it from a Yiddish speaking beloved Uncle many years ago, but not like what you wrote, the way I wrote it. My Dad spoke Yiddish too.
2016-02-04 3:01 pm
Your google-fu is weak.
2016-02-04 4:58 pm
Understanding of man is only mans description of what they only believe in, when one truly understands something no beliefs are needed!!!

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