How are Military Law different from Regular Law, and the explanation for it.?

2016-02-04 1:18 pm

回答 (8)

2016-02-04 1:53 pm
The military runs off of a completely different set of laws and legal rules than common/civil law.
參考: Cavalry Sergeant
2016-02-04 2:26 pm
The military runs its own legal system under purpose built federal law complete with its own court system and legal departments
2016-02-04 1:23 pm
All I know is I've heard this said: "If you are innocent, you want a military court. It is fast and efficient. No BS. If you are guilty, you do NOT want a military court. It is fast and efficient. No BS."

Further, military law includes a Code of Conduct that "regular" law doesn't have.
2016-02-04 10:14 pm
Regular Law is Constitutional

Military Law is Not the Military is a dictatorship

You CPL me Warrant Officer and i say Jump and you say How High i can charge you for Not Obeying Orders

you should have Jumped then asked was that High enough
2016-02-04 5:15 pm
Military law is fast, civilian law drags on and on.
2016-02-04 5:53 pm
The UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) is what applies to those in the military. While you basically still have all your constitutional rights under that there is way less wiggle room for someone to avoid being charged with something or they being found not guilty. Sentencing is also more strict and more defined and what the penalties will be if found guilty for any major offenses and we are talking being charged federally which means usually federal prison also where things are tougher and more strict than in a state institution.
2016-02-04 1:56 pm
morality is a major part with honor and respect. They care called Articles.
2016-02-04 2:16 pm
Military law does not have the same protection against prosecution and you may be punished without a hearing or courts marshal .
Your commander, depending on his rank can punish you and you have no appeal of that punish.
You can be imprisoned and have your pay withheld after trial and then discharged

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