2016-02-04 4:12 am
I have asked Archangel Ariel already : " Is Allah the Planet Saturn ? " Archangel Ariel answered :" YES !! " . Saturn is a " dying Sun GOD " . Once Allah ( Saturn) die . She become a " BLACK HOLE " with destructive power !! ..........GOD OF DESTRUCTION !!!! As we all can see that Saturn had approximately 99 rings around her . That were the resulted of around 99 planets ( Angels) got destroyed ! The souls of those planets reunited with its Creator ( Saturn) . That is why Allah claimed She had no son . That is why Allah had 99 personalities !!!! GOD BLESS you all Brothers & Sisters !!

回答 (4)

2016-02-04 4:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think god is one and only.
2016-02-04 6:27 am
allah is a made up god
2016-02-04 4:38 am
You spoke to the 'archangel' made up by the writer John Milton, and he told you all that?

That makes no sense.
2016-02-04 4:12 am
whatever youre smoking, i want a hit of that

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