Can I claim my cats as my children on my taxes?

2016-02-04 2:37 am

回答 (11)

2016-02-04 4:59 am
Only if the cats have their own Social Security Numbers and even if they do you can't claim all nine lives.
2016-02-04 3:21 am
Not legally even though they are dependent on you. It is a dang liberal conspiracy. If cats could vote, then you would see Hillary getting down in the litter box with them pandering for votes.
2016-02-04 4:59 pm
Only if you're a mad old cat lady.
2016-02-04 3:36 pm
this is probably one of the most ridiculous questions is the person for real at all
2016-02-04 1:18 pm
Sure, just get them social security numbers.
2016-02-04 3:43 am
Only if you are their biological father.
2016-02-04 3:08 am
nope but if you are disabled and the animals are support for your well being they can have food and vet expenses deducted from taxes I don't know how.
2016-02-04 2:59 am
2016-02-04 2:55 am
very funnt
2016-02-04 2:45 am
You need to go to city hall and get social security cards for them first if you haven't already.
2016-02-04 2:37 am

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