When Barack Obama was younger, what are some events that happened?

2016-02-03 9:55 pm

Please don't make any jokes. I need some information for my little brother for a play. He needs three events that happened to Barack when he was at a young age.

回答 (4)

2016-02-03 9:55 pm
Same things that happened while everyone else was alive.
2016-02-03 10:17 pm
How young? Take B-date to whatever date of younger and search for events during that time span.
2016-02-03 9:59 pm
He was called a black bastard at school, but this is inaccurate since he is mixed race
2016-02-03 9:56 pm
First you need to find out when he was born and where. Remember he used 2 different 'birth certificates' for 2 different elections. Nobody knows where Barry was born or when, any who do wont say. Maybe ask Michael.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:38:04
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