I would like to be truly free without society. What are my options?

2016-02-03 7:01 pm
I want to be free from society, I have seen the corruption, wars, bills/taxes, housing etc.
I have seen the stress it causes people, I just feel like society is one big slave mind. We are born, we "learn", we get a job, we work to we die. Is that really life we probably lived a better live without distraction in nature like we were designed to just feel like our species have lost their roots. I can't stand this society these people in power are pure evil satanic causing chaos and sadness in not proud of our species only the truly decent people.

回答 (5)

2016-02-03 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Demonetize" your life (don't use fiat money), as much as possible, using a system of favors and deal in a gifts-based, favors-based economy, like Russia circa 1990's ("blat").
Get off the treadmill and help others to get off the treadmill by doing kindness and charity to others.
Respond to others in a human way and return good for evil.
As much as you can, play and do things for their own sake or for things with intrinsic value, not for fake money and secondary rewards.
Don't blindly follow authorities in their recommendations to get vaccinations or take implanted chips in your body.
Ban popular beliefs such as "greed is good" and "tough love" which extoll severity with oneself and with others.
Reduce materialism and mass psychology which make sure nobody gets out of line by making all into monetized units.
The world needs agriculture and agrarian societies which are being persecuted by the NWO.
Learn about agriculture and animals. Learn about cooking and how to be a contributing member on a farm. Do things in an old-fashioned way.
Help people, not industry, mega-technology, corporations, industry, and war.
Stop needless quarrels with neighbors.
Don't follow the herd, unless compelled for safety.
Don't work hard for what you don't want.
Much of life is wasted on jobs that people hate.
If there were no jobs, then suffering would not be promoted in the name of virtue and people wouldn't be striving for what they don't want to achieve.

Tune in to the God vibrations of your own body, as Dick Gregory said.
The only option to society IS the slave mentality, the slaves are doing it right (by dragging their feet and "soldiering").
The people who work hard further the NWO by making it work more efficiently and centralizing power.
That is what causes competition (for marginal advantages over others) and stress.
The slaves or peasants are putting "sand in the gears".
You can stop the Satanic people in power by mocking them and being in non-compliance with them.
As much as you can, don't be a cog in the machine and don't conform or comply to the lethal world.
There are tests and trials every day which you might not perceive, but each must be met and they keep coming and adding up.
The "powers that be" want to rule the world and enslave and monetize everyone.
You must not allow their arrogance and corruption to gain legitimacy.
You see it, so you need to counteract it.
"When you stand up, they'll sit down. Their god is money." -- Farrakhan.
The religious people band together for spiritual power (in spiritual battles) which translates into political power.
You have to play their games and they swarm and win, just like corporations win over individuals.
Fight fire with fire.
"Spiritualism is the highest form of political consciousness."
In the Absence of the Sacred: The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations [Paperback]. Jerry Mander (Author). pp. 191-193.
2016-02-03 8:08 pm
Quit your job, stop paying taxes and stop paying your bills. Have absolutely no source of income. Give up your home and all your possessions. Live on the fringes of society and gradually separate yourself even more. It will be very difficult to live like this, but if it what you really want, it can be done.
2016-02-03 7:07 pm
Wild life reserves.
Underwater base with laser defense system.
Moon's base.
Wearing a snuggie. \
Hiding under your covers at night.
Self-induced schizophrenia
Hide in one of those big orange crates on cargo ships, assembling a plasma-cutter from scrap to cut through crates and steal food and video games.
Walk around in a skin suit so people will think you are someone else.
Become a furry.
That's my bucket list.

As for your question; ****, I don't know. Go rent a condo or something.
2016-02-03 9:35 pm
2016-02-03 8:20 pm
Just a update: I want to live free with nature and planet earth giving up my possession and life in the society is not necessarily a bad thing I just don't want to work till I die. I want to enjoy my life free of this society problems, I don't mind learning fo survive in the wild etc. because is that not what we were made for. Don't be stuck in a dead end job that you enjoy working 9/5 for a piece of paper is stupidly funny to think about. Do what you enjoy, because you enjoy it not what you're forced to do.

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