Why is creating a name for a character so hard for some people? Or are they just lazy?

2016-02-03 6:41 pm
It seems there's a lot of people asking for names for their characters. While I can understand if it's a unique name you're looking for, if it's just an ordinary name, why not go through a baby name book, or google it and go through the websites? I guess I don't see how asking on here helps any more than doing that when you'll get mostly the same answers either way.

回答 (11)

2016-02-04 1:02 am
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I don't understand it, either. These same people claim they can write an entire book, yet can't choose names. They also have the bizarre idea that certain names reflect a type of character. This is totally ridiculous because when the character was a baby, the parents couldn't have known what kind of person s/he would grow up to be. Also, if they would write well enough, whatever name they choose will become the perfect one. Makes me crazy, and they get really pissy when you suggest that this is silly.
2016-02-03 8:14 pm
I don't understand it, either. These same people claim they can write an entire book, yet can't choose names. They also have the bizarre idea that certain names reflect a type of character. This is totally ridiculous because when the character was a baby, the parents couldn't have known what kind of person s/he would grow up to be. Also, if they would write well enough, whatever name they choose will become the perfect one. Makes me crazy, and they get really pissy when you suggest that this is silly.
2016-02-03 6:57 pm
Maybe they are lazy. Maybe they are not intelligent enough to think 'stumped for a name I'll hit google and look for names'. Lack of creating their character so can't find a name that feels right. I agreed with everything MsBittner has said and I say this repeatedly when I answer one of those types of questions. The only time you should actually need to really look into naming and think is for a different time period, different country, family traditions.

I struggle to find the people who ask this question as real writers and anyone who asked this question are not real writers to me. They just don't get name has no real importance at all.
2016-02-03 6:49 pm
Far too many beginning writers want to choose a name that reflects who the character is, how she looks, what he acts like, what they do for a living, all kinds of ridiculous things.

A character name shouldn't do any of that. All it should indicate is who the parents were and what their hopes for their child were.

Nobody cradles their newborn and says, "He'll be kind of a bad boy, but nice when you get to know him, and ride motocross, and be really a good singer, so we should call him a name that suggests all of that."
2016-02-03 6:58 pm
I think it's because we see the end result and not the process. When we fall in love with a character (novel, TV, video game, whatever), we tend to associate that name with that character. It's entirely possible that some writers go about it backwards. They think if they can get the superficial stuff down, they'll build a strong character. It's like looking at a house you admire and thinking "Well, if I paint my door bright yellow like that, my house will also look expensive and trendy."

I think it's just inexperience ("how do I build a 3D character with just words?) and wishful thinking ("I want my character to be awesome!!!").
2016-02-03 8:09 pm
As a writer myself, I struggle with character names. Since I want my character name fit my character and still be a good name, it can be difficult to find the right name.
I haven't asked for character names here, not what I remember...but I see why people can use a second opinion or maybe just some inspiration to names.

I have one name I use over and over again because I love it so much and I think it suits the characters so well, but I can't keep doing it, so help from others is sometimes needed. Personally,I instead go on baby names sites.

BUT, people often ask this "my character is blonde and funny, but is a cutter etc. what is a good name for her?" you know...and that has nothing to do with a name.
You can't choose a name of how the character behaves and looks. When parents get their child they don't name it, because it will become some innocent and smart child...because they have no idea.
They name what they see what fits the child and the name they like. Some parents even have a name before the child is born.
So that doesn't make any sense and I often ignore it, when I give people names ideas.

But some people do need help or, at least, some inspiration to a name, and I find it alright with me. But it can be annoying, since they can...as you say...use google and go on all those baby names sites.

So yes...in the end they may be lazy ^^'
2016-02-03 7:37 pm
A unique name is one that has never been used before - as a name. It won't sound like a name to anyone, it will sound either pretentious or silly.
Names do not matter. Think of J K Rowling who has revived the Dickensian tradition of odd names for many of her characters - the real ones, the heroes, the ones the reader cares about are called Ron, Fred and Harry.
Think, also, of Daphne du Maurier who wrote a best seller which is still in print. It is called 'Rebecca'. But Rebecca is not the heroine. The heroine, who is also the narrator is *never* named. Rebecca never appears.
2016-04-21 1:14 am
Maybe they want the publics opinions since they will be the people reading their story.
2016-02-06 12:17 am
Honestly, I think it's laziness, especially after considering I have about forty books, right within ten feet, from any one of which I can simply pick a name. And yes, one's a phonebook.
2016-02-04 9:09 am
I have trouble thinking of names, and I generally do Google names for my character, but I also ask for advice on Yahoo answers because one would be a fool not to use all of the resources given to them. Plus, someone on yahoo answers can offer infinitely more insight into a question than any baby name book. Does that make me lazy? No. That makes me thorough. As for why some of us struggle with names, its because names are one of the most important aspects of your character. The name is the part of them that they identify by. Sure, your character might have black hair and diamond shaped eyes and four arms, but people don't say "hey, remember that guy with four arms?" No they say "hey, remember Gonzalez?" Unless of course, they can't remember his name, or the name is stupid. That's why names are so important, and in my opinion anyone who doesn't put much thought into their characters name is foolish. It doesn't have to "fit them" or sound exotic, but it is still very important.
2016-02-04 12:02 am
They lack creativity usually. Or the incentive to just google for baby names and surnames by country or time period.

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