I am having really bad writters block!?

2016-02-03 2:42 pm
I want to enter a short story in a contest my school is having, but I can't come up with one! I'm more of a novelist and I don't know how to keep the storys short and interesting. Any help?

*writer's *stories

回答 (3)

2016-02-03 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Short stories are actually hard to write.

At first there isn't much time for character development, so take a topic and a character and stick along with it.

I suggest reading a few short stories to get the idea.


A wounded soldier is on the way home and thinks back to his family as he walks. Maybe he reaches them and maybe he die.

A couple gets attacked by strange creatures and needs to survive. Do they live or not?

These ideas can be novel length, but can also work for a good short story. You just need to start right and not focus on the character development and instead of the story itself. Make it interesting and don't be afraid to let the story leave questions.

Here are some short stories to read I really think could give you any idea on how to write:

They by Vincent Hobbes - 15 pages. Very good and interesting stories there leaves questions and yet it's okay. My favorite. About a couple they needs to survive when they are attacked by...what?

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi by Rudyard Kipling - 75 pages and is about a boy and his weasel, a bird and a snake etc. Wonderful short story.

The snow owl by Jon Hartling - 11 pages.

I can't remember if all of them is free on amazon.com as an e-book, but I think some of them are. So download the kindle app on your smartphone, iPad/tablet or computer and read them. If you don't have the app already.
2016-02-03 3:24 pm
go out side and just have fun find someone you love/like to spend it with. You should have Ideas flowing up ad out
2016-02-03 2:51 pm
I find that it helps greatly if novelists can spell

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