Assisted suicide?

2016-02-03 11:49 am
If a friend or relative with a terminal medical condition asked you to help them commit suicide would you help them?

Would you be able to ensure a painless death?
If assisted suicide is illegal in your country would you be able to help someone die in a way that left no evidence?

Would you be prepared to break the law and possibly be charged with murder to help someone die?

回答 (2)

2016-02-03 11:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
assisted suicide is still murder in all countries. there are some countries that allow euthanasia but it has to be a doctor who does the deed.
if you really want to help a person not suffer anymore, you'll have to travel to one of those countries. You can find a list of countries that support euthanasia if you google a bit, it doesn't take much effort.

countries that do support euthanasia do have certain procedures and not everybody can get into a program. you have to go through some physical and psychological testing and if the person cannot decide for himself anymore (dementia? brain damage?...), it's nearly impossible to get it done anywhere.
2016-02-03 1:38 pm

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