Will you accept the "mark of the beast"?

2016-02-03 5:44 am
Doing so will guarantee eternal death. Perhaps it may allow you to live longer and enjoy the benefits of this world, but it is only a pact with the devil himself. Accepting the mark of the beast basically means that you are rejecting Jesus Christ and therefore you will be rejected by Him as well. There will be a time when cash will no longer exist, the mark will take it's place. People will be controlled via the micro chip that will be either in their forehead or right hand. You think the government invading your iPhone is scandalous? You've yet to see the worse come. There will be a time where you will be controlled completely. The mark of the beast is closer than what we think. I am here to warn you, do not be fooled with the "benefits" (sell, but, etc) of having this condemning mark. I urge you to (once the mark is mandatory) reject the mark and accept Jesus into your hearts if you haven't already.

The bible tells us "...that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name." Revelation 13:17

The bible is the only book of truth that is inspired by God. I KNOW this will happen and once it does, please remember this post. DO NOT GET THE MARK!! If you get the mark you will suffer forever and ever in the lake of fire with Satan.

I'm glad to share this with you. Let the hate comments come in, but I guarantee that this will happen, soon.
Who will you choose? Satan or Jesus? 2 options, take your pick

回答 (10)

2016-02-03 5:46 am
'Who will you choose? Satan or Jesus? 2 options, take your pick'

I choose neither of your imaginary friends. To suggest there is only two options is a lie.
2016-02-03 5:52 am
Many have already accepted the mark of the beast. It is that christian fish symbol that so many proudly display on the back of their cars and in their shop windows.
2016-02-03 11:14 am
Is that the thing where the Priest makes a little cross on your forehead with his thumb and some ashes? BTW, how do you keep all those imaginary friends straight?
2016-02-03 6:02 am
Question, are you warning people or trying to be pretentious? Sorry to ask, but some Christians seem to like posting questions like this to harass non-believers, causing them to further troll against us. I completely agree with you and you're 100% right.
2016-02-03 5:55 am
How many times has the mark of the beast been identified? Credit cards, SSNs, rfids, etc. have all had that honor.
2016-02-03 8:46 am
The vast majority including those religious either through ignorance or due to manipulation already have.
2016-02-03 6:18 am
Reading Revelation literally is a bad idea. Unless you have a PHd in ancient near eastern language you will be open to interpreting anything you want from the book and deviate from Christian orthodoxy.
You already believe in pacts with the devil and you should really learn how to separate fiction from reality.
In case you haven't caught up with recent archeology the oldest piece of manuscript has the number of said beast at 616.
The devil is a theological construct. Blaming an unseen, ethereal devil is an easy out that may save us from having to look into the shadows of our own selves.
You might have a fear of the number which is called hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.
2016-02-03 6:12 am
if you have a social security number or the equivelant in your country, then you already have the mark..
2016-02-03 6:10 am
The term idiot comes to mind. Just because you have learned about devices from Apple Electronics, it does NOT FOLLOW that this is what the "Mark of the beast" means.

I will explain it to you. The mark is "666". 6 in the Bible is symbolic of imperfection. Just as 7 symbolizes perfection spiritually.

Having it printed on one's forehead and right arm, symbolizes their mental activity and physical strength all goes into support of human governments, lead by the demons and Satan. According to Rev. 16:14, 16, all human governments are lead by the demons to the battle at Armageddon. Except on the wrong--losing side.

Having the .Mark does not mean any LEAD any government. They only give their support to them.

Instead of supporting God's Kingdom, the heavenly based government which WILL SOLVE all Earth' s problems. As not only Rev. 16:14, 16, but also Daniel 2:44 shows, God's Kingdom will crush and destroy ALL human governments and their supporters with them.

That is the real danger if having that Mark. Most people will not even understand they have had that symbolic mark for most of their lives and will jeep it until death.
2016-02-03 5:57 am
It's not going to happen. It's just a myth. The whole thing is a story.

If it did happen, I couldn't worship an evil god who would let people suffer eternally for being wrong, for getting a number on them so they could feed and protect their family.

I don't know why you would worship a god who would do that kind of stuff, but since it's not real I don't tend to worry about it so much.

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