what would happen if a 14 year old drank alcohol?

2016-02-03 4:39 am
not to the point of being drunk, just tipsy
also no bullshit answers

回答 (6)

2016-02-03 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Poodles... Poodles everywhere
參考: Experience
2016-02-03 11:59 am
Providing he or she didn't drink too much, nothing.
2016-02-03 7:19 am
Please don't do it at 14. I'm 19 and I started when I was 18 in the summer of 2015 and it's really anguishing having to look at the beer sections at Walmart and 7-11's and not being able to legally buy the alcohol. The wait is already tough at my age so I don't even want to begin to imagine how terrible it must be at your age.
2016-02-03 5:43 am
nothing serious if does it like once.. and not like an everyday thing. If you cant hold your alcohol though you could throw up/ get a hangover
2016-02-03 4:56 am
his system could damage
2016-02-03 4:42 am
Generally, nothing. First time I got drunk I was 14. Though- underage drinking does increase your risks for things, not going to lie to you. The earlier you start drinking, the more likely you will abuse drinking or other substances later in life. So, just be responsible.

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