Is it common for 23 year olds to have these types of feelings/problems?

2016-02-03 3:51 am
I am noticing lately that, despite growing older, I'm still struggling with some of the same issues I was having at 17 years old - specifically, behavioral patterns. My Mom pointed this out to me and it's bothering me because I don't know how to be different. I have severe anxiety and I'm a hardcore perfectionist. If I feel like I'm failing, I digress and start crying for hours and cut myself. I'm starting a new job and my supervisor has been very tough on me (being that I'm the rookie and also the only female on an all-male team). This doesn't happen often, only under times of stress or when I think I'm not good enough. I'm currently on medication for anxiety and I'm wondering if it's time to talk to a doctor about switching my dose? My mom says I should just buck up and handle things like an adult but now I'm not sure how to stop myself from crying once I get home. This is really hard and I hate myself. What should I do?

回答 (2)

2016-02-03 4:35 am
aa perfectionist is closely related to a compulsive disorder. I need you to see the cause of your anxiety and before it gets out of control, I need you to find a solution to resolve that cause of your anxiety....your boss sounds mean and rude, but I need you to realize that he is watching out for his own job and that he needs to scold those whom are or might get him in trouble with his bosses. Once you see that he is not 'getting all over your face', you will understand where is coming from and you just might accept his critic of you or your actions (they must be normal and acceptable---part of the rules of comport upon an employee) which should help you deal with that anxiety of feeling inadequate or failure.

any cause of anxiety needs to be assess by you so that you can find a solution to me, once you learn to deal with the causes to your anxiety (ies), you will become more prepared to deal with the harshness (by others) in life and hopefully, you will no longer need your meds. You don't need to increase the dose, just trust me and you'll see that life is harsh but you can deal with life in general...
2016-02-03 3:52 am
If you have an anxiety disorder, it's not going to go away with age. Have you considered that you should speak with a therapist or your doctor? Perhaps there is something more to your pain than just being a young person.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:38:17
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