Do all guys just want sex?

2016-02-03 12:15 am
It seems that that's all guys want anymore. I'm a virgin, but the guys I date usually aren't. And I'm waiting for a good age and the right guy to lose my virginity to. I'm a goody two shoes. I've never given a bj or hj. Or sent nudes. All I want when I'm in a relationship is someone who wants me for me. Not for my body or my looks. Just for me myself. But it seems as if no guys want that..they just want to smash and pass..

回答 (10)

2016-02-03 12:18 am
No. There are good guys out there (like me) that actually care about the other person more than appearance, body, etc. They actually care about how you're doing and how you're feeling, They place your happiness on the same level as theirs. They value the person inside the body, not the outer facade that is visible with the eyes.
參考: I am like this.
2016-02-03 12:23 am
In a healthy relationship, a guy will want to spend time with you because he enjoys your company, you support each other's goals and interests, he is inspired by you, you have common long term goals, and you enjoy doing things together. Part of that os a sexual relationship.. Better sex comes from having a deep, emotional connection. I guess what I'm saying is that sex comes with being in a healthy relationship, but it is part of the package and there is so much more.
2016-02-03 12:20 am
no we dont BUT the thing is there are many preconceptions about dating and one of them is that age matters when the worst person you could be with is someone your own age ---- there are MANY guys that would love to get to know you and who dont just want sex ---- they are probably the guys you ignore ---- why not throw out all you think you know about dating and if you see someone you like talk to them and if you are old enough ignore age
2016-02-03 12:27 am
The immediate answer is definitely not, and honey you are so unique (like you don't know how special) to be looking for a man who really cares for you instead of just giving that precious gift of virginity to just any man who will take it from you. Take it from someone who knows, I lost mine to the only man I will ever love again (God willing) and I never regretted it. The right man will come around someday. Until then, keep it and remember that you have a special power and gift and that should only be opened by someone who will treasure it and you. :) God created you so beautifully and one day the right man will see that, and love you like he should! It really is sad how easy girls have become these days. I swore I wouldn't lose my virginity until I was married, and that didn't happen, but God forgives, and I was glad to at least lose it to someone who was willing to hold my heart (and still is). We plan to be married in the next four years. Waiting can be hard, but it will be SO worth it. At least it was for me. Sex isn't simply bending over for a guy. It should be about two souls coming together, and staying together. Sex was created to bond. If we are bonded to someone we have sex with and then break up with them, we usually can't get over it, it hurts a lot, and is natural. The goal is to never break up. One day you will hopefully have this. I'm going to pray for you, sweetheart.
2016-02-03 12:20 am
No, not all guys, but unfortunately that's accurate for most (98%) guys. There are some though that are mature and actually intelligent enough to comprehend the feeling of love, making them capable to truly be in love with a girl, not just want to 'smash and pass'.
參考: I'm part of the 2%
2016-02-03 12:19 am
I know if you go to a good Christian church you'll find good guys there that are usually virgins and waiting for marriage. They serve the Lord. They will treat you right. I don't know if you are Christian or not, but I know if you go to a good Christian church you'll find a guy that will respect you and not put pressure on you.
2016-02-03 6:03 pm
No, they don't. I met two wonderful guys in college who didn't rush me to bed. One was my first boyfriend and the second was my husband. You are doing the right thing by waiting. Sex with a special person is the best sex of all.
2016-02-03 3:42 pm
Apparently not...
2016-02-03 12:25 am
It's a biological thing, boys and girls haves ex at about the same rate. 29 percent of 18 year old girls have had sex in high school and 34 percent of boys. That's very close. Let's be clear on that, that being said guys are much more likely to be comfortable with publicly talking about it. Girls are 12 times more likely to be bullied as a result of being sexually active than guys. Ok so now that stats are out of the way, maybe you just aren't finding the right guys... the "popular guys" will likely be receiving pressure from their friends to have sex. In school I was a mathlete yes math, and role play game president... a nerd, our circle was all about being yourself and there were not pressures like that, so keep looking the right guy is out there .
2016-02-03 12:24 am
The media obviously brainwashed you. Not all men want sex alone nor all women want a committed relationship. Probably stop being shallow and accept that people are different instead of generalizing everyone.

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