Multiple sclerosis- in the course of one's lifetime, does it eventually stop progressing?

2016-02-02 12:54 pm
My neurologist told me today that sometimes MS "times out", or just stops progressing at some point. Like, say, after 20 years, it can sometimes just stop getting worse.
I don't want to get my hopes up if this isn't true. I've always heard the opposite (that it always just gets worse and worse as one gets older). Is there some truth to what she told me, or is she mistaken?

回答 (6)

2016-02-02 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It can happen. Aggressive MS can suddenly go dormant, benign MS can suddenly become aggressive. That's one of the "joys" of living with MS, you just don't know what's going to happen.

I don't know how often it happens, but I know it happened to a woman in an MS group I visited many years ago. She'd had quite aggressive MS and suddenly one day when she was in her 50s (I think)... nothing, four years later, nothing... her neuro said it had "burned out", and that he'd seen it before. Of course she was left with the damage that the MS had already caused, but there was no new damage.
參考: Diagnosed with MS in 2003.
2016-02-03 7:49 am
Hopefully, yes.

Comprehensive Cure** for most cancers: TARGET THERAPY—A MULTIDIMENTIONAL APPROACH-------
1. Any Cancer, lupus, HIV/AIDS, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, or any incurable auto-immune disease, etc., —Common Symptoms:
Sudden loss of weight/stamina, anemia, unbearable pains in any organ despite medication, neuralgia, FATIGUE-getting extremely tired for a little or no work, loss of appetite, unhealed wound in any part of the body for years together, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhages, hemoptysis, hematuria, Rectal hemorrhages. Chronic lymph node enlargements, mouth changes, Voice changes, Difficult Swallowing etc. Cancer may affect from any organ to any organ[s]/system[s].
2. All the symptoms cited----------------an offshoot of blocked energy + accumulated toxins in brain, spinal cord with a displaced solar plexus and hormonal imbalance. Bacterial/Viral infections, Genetically transmitted disorders and or Auto-Immune disorders can’t be ruled out. Hence, you have multiplicity of symptoms affecting several organs.

3. It renders even palliative care for final stages of cancer cases with no/the least pain even unto last days. We made recorded documentation in a few cases of liver cancer and breast cancer and the patients lived comfortably unto death. Our beloved mom had liver cancer in 1992 with metastases in intestines and limbs. Very Bad prognosis, predicted by Apollo Hospitals @ Nellore & Chennai and Cancer Institute Adyar, Chennai, was arrested almost totally unto her last days. Moreover, the cost was within reach of common man. In a case of breast cancer also, we arrested bad prognosis in 2011-12 and had the patient’s blessings from her death bed.
4. We were successful in cases of autism, muscular dystrophy, ADHD, Parkinson's Syndrome, Alzheimer's Syndrome, Peripheral Neuropathy, incurable/genetic and idiopathic diseases, etc. Wherein, atrophy of nervous tissue was arrested and regeneration of dead cells could be ensured. However, it is a very prolonged process. We published recorded documentation.

It is a universal truth to note that any cancer, if detected early is curable. Acupressure Techniques ensures ‘instant diagnosis of cancer or any disease and identification of the affected organ[s]-subject to confirmation by modern allopathic investigations at the tertiary stage.
The God explained, orally, to sages/rishis the ways and means of attaining the Ultimate GOAL to live for 120 years-“Shatamanam Bhavathi” with perfect health. All such preachings are documented, in Sanskrit Language, in the form of 4 vedas-Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atarva Veda. Acupressure & Ayurveda are dealt with by the Rigveda.
Target Therapy with the aid of Acupressure Techniques & Indian Natural Remedies, comprising Ayurveda-Dhātus (dhä•tōōs), ( from Sanskrit धातु dhātu - layer, stratum, constituent part, ingredient, element, primitive matter[1] ) inAyurveda, the seven fundamental principles (elements) that support the basic structure (and functioning) of the body.[2]
They consist of:
• Rasa dhatu (Lymph)
• Rakta dhatu (Blood)
• Mamsa dhatu (Muscles)
• Medha dhatu (Fat)
• Asthi dhatu (Bone)
• Majja dhatu (marrow (bone and spinal))
• Shukra dhatu (Semen)
• Tridoshas?
• Vata dosha - Responsible for all Movement in the Body
• Pitta dosha - Responsible for all Metabolism in the Body
• Kapha dosha - Responsible for all Structure & Lubrication in the Body
• For Balancing Saptha dhatus, we suggest Nutrilege Capsules and for balancing Trisdoshas we suggest Triphla Aid Capsules.
• Ayurveda Surgery--Balancing Sapthadoshas and tridoshas--- in turn enables to dissolve malignant cells & cure all genetically trasmitted disorders.

[ Using Patented Ayurveda Food & Nutrition Supplements manufactured India and USA, approved by USFDA, in KOSHER, HALAL, GMP, ISO ETC., and all these alternative medicines are safe, relatively affordable, and easily accessible. at Stores in your vicinity in 40 countries all over the globe. No Side Effects.] Homeopathy, Biochemic salts[made in Germany]-enable Homeopathic Surgery to dissolve malignant/benign tumors, Herbal Remedies[made in Italy] , Yoga/Meditation, Magneto-therapy, Sidha, etc., U can have sizable & perceivable cure/relief in 45-90 days. @ no/affordable costs,
No side effects, and No Hospitalization. Hence, worth trying even for metastasized terminal cases to outlive for a couple of years? The aged cancer victims can as well try it. It is, economically, viable even for the poorest of the poor with ‘no insurance cover’.
In India, we have 700 rare diseases whch are incurable with genetic predispositions with 40% mortality rate. We have 10 million patients. U may try it for any incurable disease including cancer of any organ[s], post-surgical recurrence of tumors, Leukemia, Multiple Myeloma, Blindness, Ebola, ADD/ADHD,Lymphoma,Lupus, HIV/AIDS, Ulcerative Colitis, Gilbert’s Syndrome, IBS, PCOD/PCOS, colon cancer, Thalassemia, Down Syndrome, Alzheimer’s Syndrome, Parkinson’s Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, Muscular Dystrophy, Fibromyalgia, Autism, bone TB., lipoma, Tinnitus, all brain & spinal cord disorders, CLL, Crohn’s Syndrome, endometriosis, Adeno Myosis + Implantation failure, etc.
3. “Just, to know the efficacy of ‘Target Therapy’, We made recorded documentation of some such incurable and genetic syndromes, like, Thalassemia, Down Syndrome, Parkinson’s Syndrome, Autism, Muscular Dystrophy, Breast Cancer, etc., and the results were amazing.”

How it works?
1. It ensures to minimize scope for side effects of Chemo/radiation/surgery.
2. Generally, it [chemo] attacks *all* cells and possibly radiation may affect surrounding cells of tumour generating lots of heat and consequential hair fall and .skin allergies. We have access to USFDA approved Ayurveda Food & Nutrition supplements. To cleanse internal organs/systems like Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, intestines, brain and spinal cord, Thyroid, etc.
Detoxification of Kidneys, Thyroid, Spleen, Liver/Gall Bladder, lungs, alimentary canal is feasible.

The deal, however, is that it's especially toxic to dividing cells. Different tissues have a different 'dividing fraction' - the proportion of cells in the process of dividing. And as cancer tissue typically has a higher dividing fraction than normal tissue, cancer tissue is preferentially attacked.

Unfortunately hair follicles, gut lining, etc also have a high dividing fraction - hence the side effects.

Edit: and also, as Matt and Tink say, blood cells - including the white cells that are a major part of the immune system - are also rapidly dividing, in the bone marrow where they're produced.

1. Removal of toxins from all internal organs & purging through Normal Drainage systems, feces, urine, skin, lungs, menses [females].
2. Activating all the internal organs to make each & every organ to function up to optimum levels, by purging out toxins. Acupressure Techniques ensure to activate.
2. 3. Supplying vitamins, nutrients, micro-nutrients, minerals, trace elements for invigorating the entire Immune system to produce antibodies.
3. All items for a cure—available in Ur vicinity all over the globe.
4. Important Note:
5. 1. Cure can be had right @ your home. No hospitalizations.
6. 2. There must be an attendant who should spare 4-5 hrs. daily to comply with all the stipulated instructions like rituals. Or an inpatient @ any Nature Cure Hospital in your vicinity can seek all stipulated instructions complied with most religiously.
3. Dr.Elchuri Venkat Rao, Karmayogi & an adjudged authority on Ayurveda, who visited Rishis/Saints in forests for 2 decades, identified & collected various Ayurveda herbs, cured several cases cited and made recorded documentation and has been publishing in his monthly magazine ‘ANDARIKI AYURVEDAM’. Most of the medicines are cheapest in the world, but are quite bitter in taste. No side effects. Dr.Elchuri’s programmes are beamed through MAA TV daily. Now, Dr.Ekchuri is in USA. Dr.Elchuri, a Karma Yogi on Ayurveda started 100 branches in states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and these branches can be replicated all over India through his son, whois a PG holder in Ayurveda. These clinics can be converted into practical training centers for Ayurveda Medicos to do the irinternship before becoming full fledged Ayurveda doctors. The Central Govt. may look into this proposal for implementation.
4. Disclaimer Clause: In India we have 10 million children/adults suffering from 700 rare diseases, which are incurable with 40% mortality. Muscular Dystrophy/Cancer/Brain & Spinal cord affected disorder is one such genetically transmitted incurable disease. Treatment suggested above is successfully tried on several patients and so is mentioned here for the benefit of all ‘Dreaded, Incurable and Rare Diseases of PATIENTS’ WITHOUT ANY LEGAL LIABILITY to Trustees or Medical Board members or anybody working for and on behalf of
2016-02-03 12:12 am
It follows different patterns in different people. In general, cases fall into the four categories described at the link. The majority of MS patients don't switch categories, but it happens occasionally. The categories are used more to decide how aggressively to treat MS rather than predicting actual progression.
2016-02-02 1:11 pm
I believe there are different types of MS and some types do ease up with age. Some progress forever. Glad to hear that you may find some relief now.
2016-02-07 12:57 am
there was no MS till processed food. Its autoimmune to something your body sees as poison. clean up your diet of processed foods. No artificial colors or sweetners, no sugar, no soda pop, no wheat gluten. try an eat all natural foods. I have heard of people that got over it with strict diet. google ms cures. try dr. wallach's radio show on net..
2016-02-02 7:53 pm

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