Being tall in Asia?

2016-02-02 5:49 am
Im 5'10" 5'11" with boots on;) I've been wanting to travel to Asia for a long time. I really want to see Japan, and Korea, and a few other countries. I was wondering if when you go to these places as someone who is an average height in america, would i get to feel what its like to being super tall in these asian countries? Anybody have an experience in this field of knowledge?

回答 (3)

2016-02-02 9:05 pm
Are you a girl? If so, then you're definitely tall and will stand out here. 5'10 is not really considered tall in East Asia for a boy. but if you go to SEA countries, you might stand out there.

Tall for a male in South Korea is usually 185 cm, 6'1 at least.

South Korea average height: Male: 175.26 cm (5' 9"), Female: 162.56 cm (5' 4")
2016-02-02 12:58 pm
you are not super tall to Asians. There are Asian men taller than you.
2016-02-02 5:51 am
Okay what are you without boots on? Lol it's not a big deal. Unless you go to more countryside locations. Lots of tourists go through all of those places. Unless you're freakishly tall, they won't be staring or anything.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:38:33
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