Executive Order 13752?

2016-02-02 1:30 am
so Obama has just singed executive order 13752, this orders that all American gun owners be limited to no more than 3 guns, it also requires that they be registered with the fed gov, and any firearms over the limit must be turned in to the government. what do you think of it all?

damn, I hate being marked for a sucker

回答 (11)

2016-02-02 1:36 am

At first I thought it was real. But they're saying it's fake. It would be all over TV news if it were real.
2016-02-02 1:36 am
You fell for it? Some cons are so dumb that they'll believe absolutely anything.
2016-02-02 1:32 am
I like Executive Order 13753 better
2016-02-02 1:40 am
Me and the boys at the militia training center would have rallied if that were true.
2016-02-02 1:39 am
no more than 3 guns ?
But I have 6 children !
2016-02-03 2:25 am
I own over 30 , not turning in a single one plus none of mine are registered.
2016-02-02 12:15 pm
I believe that is a start for this scumbag illegal alien muslim hussein 0bama, and his liberal gun control bigots handers. If there was anyway this scumbag illegal alien muslim hussein 0bama, and his liberal gun control bigots handers thought that something like could pass, they would have tried it already.
2016-02-02 2:03 am
Well like in most states that have passed such laws non-compliance will be at 85-90 percent so enforcement would be pracitcally impossible.

Also that is beyond obamas executive authority.
2016-02-02 9:47 pm
its a hoax, on a fake news site. notice the URL ends with .co not .com?
2016-02-02 1:52 am
Sorry, but you need to use SNOPES ( www.snopes.com ) it has already busted that myth, over and over and over.

The ONLY US Presidents to actually institute Gun BANs/Confiscations in the last 50 years are Reagan(R) and GW Bush(R) who ordered the Military to CONFISCATE Guns from Texas to Florida!

Do some REAL research!

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