Can u get breast cancer from being punched in the boobs?

2016-02-01 11:52 pm
My friend punched me on each boob and then we were like wrestling and she pushed on them really hard and now one of my boobs hurt just a little bit ..I'm 13 can I get breast cancer :(

回答 (6)

2016-02-01 11:54 pm
Nooooooooo relax cancer deals with toxins and genetics
2016-02-01 11:56 pm
No don't worry this is not how cancer works
if you have pain its due to the being hit like you would if you were hit on the face you would have pain and possibly a bruise
your friend needs to calm down a bit tho : /
if you still have pain tho go see your school nurse, guardian or your doctor to make sure you havnt had a bad injury and for your own peace of mind but don't worry about cancer
good luck
2016-02-02 1:11 am
Absolutely not. You need to research what cancer is.
2016-03-26 2:47 pm
Lol, no. That's a myth. People were saying it when I was a kid and it freaked me out too. But it's nothing to worry about
2016-02-02 6:40 pm
No, you won't get breast cancer from being hit in the boob. Cancer (anywhere in the body) is never caused by an injury.
參考: BIL is an MD
2016-02-02 12:31 am
Nope, nothing to worry about. If that was the case, I'd be in trouble because I've taken quite a few boob hits in sports!

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