please help me factor this equation 64a^6n-b^6n?

2016-02-01 2:26 pm
a and b are raised to 6n

回答 (2)

2016-02-01 2:35 pm
Presuming that is:

64a⁶ⁿ - b⁶ⁿ

Then you have a difference of two squares:

(8a³ⁿ + b³ⁿ)(8a³ⁿ - b³ⁿ)

Now we have the sum and difference of two cubes, so each can be factored further:

(2aⁿ + bⁿ)(4a²ⁿ - 2aⁿbⁿ + b²ⁿ)(2aⁿ - bⁿ)(4a²ⁿ + 2aⁿbⁿ + b²ⁿ)

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