Is it bad that I want to die so everyone would feel guilty?

2016-02-01 12:05 am
I know that's like the most morbid thing to say.. I'm not suicidal or anything. But people have done me bogus. And have bullied me. And I just want them to feel guilty about everything they have done to me.. I mean I can't be the only one who feels like this, I may be but yeah.

回答 (3)

2016-02-01 1:08 am
Yes it is bad
2016-02-01 12:49 am
I know it seems like this would get them back but, to be honest, it wouldn't. Some might not feel the least bit guilty and those that did would learn to get over it fairly quickly.

If you're being bullied, you need to speak to someone about it so that it stops.
2016-02-01 12:05 am
What are you?Buddhist?

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