Is it better to be a self serving narcissist in today's society?

2016-01-31 9:37 pm
It seems that those who try to be nice and selflesh never find happiness. It seems you have to be self serving and selfish to find peace.
I've always been a narcissist myself, but I've always attempted to help those in need, and then I was used because of it. It has led me to believe that I should only care for myself, because I'm the most important person to myself.
Being a decent human being in these times will only bring you ridicule and humiliation.

回答 (10)

2016-02-01 2:56 am
It is certainly better to "seem" like one nowadays. But I think narcissism is limiting and damaging. Hard to advance your cause by understanding the motives of those around you if you are incapable of understanding or considering them.

If you are being a decent person for honor and position then you are a self-serving narcissist trying to "seem" like a generous kind person.
2016-01-31 10:02 pm
No, it's never better. Even if it makes you more successful it won't bring you fulfillment and you wouldn't be a good person. It's better to be a good person and get hurt from time to time than to be a jerk and hurt others.
2016-01-31 9:58 pm
yes that is very true, I got nowhere in life, everyone else did
2016-01-31 9:39 pm
Wow. It is very obvious from your question that you have been badly hurt, and you are protecting yourself by withdrawing.

A therapist will help you with this. You can be part of the world and open yourself up without being hurt like you were before. A therapist will help you learn the skills to see who is going to hurt you and how to protect yourself so that you can let in the people who will love you.
2016-02-01 11:05 am
Today's society is hardly different than yesterday's. The changes have been mostly in knowledge and understanding, giving birth to a connected globe and technologies like we could only imagine just even centuries ago.
2016-02-01 8:30 am
Being self-serving helps get visible forms of success. Car, wealth, promotion, clothing, jewelry, house, spouse, etc. All of these suggest and can promote happiness, but none of them guarantee happiness.

By now this should be common sense.

You changed you view because when you tried to be useful you got used. You were an advantage to have a around and so you were taken advantage of. In actuality, you got abused. But that isn't a reason to abandon all people forever. It's a reason to be more careful and watch out for the signs of such things.

You tried one way and it led to an unhappy experience and so you believe that happiness comes from the opposite way.

In truth, happiness comes from neither. It comes from neither the one way nor the other way. It comes from from doing things the right way. You did the more noble thing the wrong way when you allowed yourself to be taken advantage of.

Selfless or selfish does not matter. Both lead to happiness and unhappiness.

One is better.
2016-02-01 7:24 am
to really serve yourself you have to serve others by looking past your own needs then you can mentally be content with your own existence and not just materialistically and socially satisfied. if I only lived for myself then I see no reason to live.
2016-02-01 4:31 am
"It seems that those who try to be nice and selfless never find happiness. "

FALSE. You obviously don't know many of those people. I know plenty of them that are very happy. Most of the narcissists I know are unhappy people who jump from band-aid to band-aid because they don't know how to cure their underlying unhappiness.
2016-02-01 5:22 am
Is it better to be a self serving narcissist in today's society?

~~~ Better than being 'healthy'?
You suggest that illness/insanity is 'better' then sanity?
That corruption and vice is 'better' than Love and Virtue?

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