How does one find happiness and peace of mind in a world of uncertainty and insanity?

2016-01-31 8:38 pm

回答 (53)

2016-02-01 10:42 pm
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By knowing that it will soon be destroyed.
2016-01-31 8:54 pm
You find it within, not in uncertainty world
2016-01-31 8:38 pm
2016-02-02 7:46 pm
My all yahoo friends I tell you about my life thier is no peace in life only if give up every things to Almighty hand because he who is Creater and Almighty is Creator then of course God can create us again I read some time Holly Books
what I find in life that life is not always
A bucket of flowers and if there is flowers then must be other side thrown also so my all friends this is test of life
Some time you have all love one around
You Mom, Dad, wife,children best fried
Healthy body and all best things like money property etc&etc.
But some time come that loose all love one Mom, Dad,
Some time every one cry,
Some time every one lough
So this all is life and is very short life
So if you want peace of soul help love
Respect of all then you can get real
Peace of mind.
2016-02-02 6:33 am
Great question. I believe originally God NEVER PLANNED OR DESIRED such a world of conflict. Biblically, the "Fall" caused our separation from God due to disobedience. Although many know the story, few really believe it, and fewer understand it.
Had man (Adam and Eve), obeyed God, we would have a world of love, peace, and endless happiness. Therefore, "understanding" the root cause of the craziness that surrounds us can help us in our survival and guides us to make this a better world. You and I can make a difference. Let us return to the one who crated us. Blessings.
2016-02-02 12:33 am
Damn people, this is the philosophy section. Tell him to go read Aristotle. The whole first book of the Nicomachean Ethics is an attempt to define happiness. It ain't everything but it's a start.
2016-02-01 7:27 pm
First, what does being happy have to do with the world, uncertainty and insanity? Here's the riddle if you believe that happiness has nothing to do with those 3, you hit the jackpot.
2016-02-01 12:14 pm
Meditation. Happiness is a skill.

All you need to your mind & the discipline to focus on present experience. The amazing thing is that both settings of solitary confinement in prison & the cave for a meditating monk are essentially isolated conditions, but one leads to mental torture and the other leads to mental liberation. It's the mind that decides which.
2016-02-01 7:06 am
Real happiness and peace of mind is experienced only through meditation and spiritual way of life.
2016-01-31 9:14 pm
By having a decent relationship with someone else - a loving relationship
2016-01-31 8:41 pm
The site might be helpful in finding it.
2016-02-01 10:39 am
Happiness is a spirit. People possessed by this spirit always feel happy. Sadness and sorrow always fail with these people. A real happiness depends on the quality of the spirit which they have acquired.

God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2016-02-05 4:56 am
Medatation and church
2016-02-04 7:15 am
create ones "own reality". things that are not allowed in my world do not exist. Evil friends, being taken advantage..... one must define what their actions means to them. If helping homeless . It's not what the receiver does with the gift that counts but the intent in the givers heart.

We surround ourselves with the thoughts of others and try to conform to an environment that I'll suits us all. Picking and choosing what really matters in "your" life defines your reality as much as focus does... Focus on the good things in life and that's what you see focus on the bad and that's what you see... Reality is in fact a matter of choice... Some may argue a gun man, can change your perspective on reality and it very well can! But how you react to the gun man is your reality. The biggest issue with modern life is the falseness that exist that we are protected..... Reality is we are all solely responsible for our own safety
2016-02-04 4:44 am
focus on ur own life and achieving your own goals and adding value for your existence by making the one you love happy and safe. if you make that then what you wish for it does exist within you and if it does..then that is a sign of others who have it. we can't do anything about what is going on in the world, and we can't blame the world but it is people's fault.

"what happened out of my circle and i can't do anything about it, shouldn't effect me" because i will effect the people around me if i get upset.. just focus on creating better future, being good and not getting influenced by bad things..coz change starts with one and every group has an don't underestimate the power of one.
2016-02-04 12:31 am
Don't focus on the future, you're alive today, make it a great day.
2016-02-03 4:22 pm
You find harmony
2016-02-03 10:38 am
Happiness is not determined by anyone or anything. To be truly happy one must do what one sets out to do. If you live your life allowing the thoughts and decisions of others guide you, you will lose your way and ultimately lose in the battle we all face of peace. Live how you see fit, accept any obstacles you may face, and if your dream sets on fire walk through it.
2016-02-03 4:28 am
I think destroy it very soon.
2016-02-02 11:59 pm
By finding it from within so external things don't effect you as much.
2016-02-02 9:18 pm
Music, food for the soul.
2016-02-02 8:16 pm
wish everyone would do. This is the place to start, and this will help us manage life’s constant barrage of changes.
2016-02-02 8:02 pm
By finding peace in Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. He promised us ever lasting life after death for eternity. After this world is destroyed because of it was corrupted by sin a new world will be created and there we will dwell with God the father and his son forever. And all of the uncertainty and insanity that we are suffering from right now will all burn in hell forever as well with those who reject Jesus.
參考: Bible
2016-02-02 4:24 pm
2016-02-02 12:23 pm
2016-02-02 6:57 am
Play Music & Start Dancing Forgetting the world. It will gives instant pleasure.
2016-02-02 4:41 am
By knowing that Fear and worries are completely useless and have no use other than degrading your health, hence what is left is Happiness !!!
2016-02-02 2:27 am
It's different for Everybuddy . U gotta find what gives your life meaning what gives u satisfaction . Some people use religion for that some people are just fine without religion . Find hobbies thangs u can work torwards that makes u happy .. Life is only a dreem it's eventually end enjoy it while u have it
2016-02-02 1:53 am
Who knows!
2016-02-01 10:39 pm
Put it this way, when you pour tea into a cup constantly what happens? It overflows, right? So, stop pouring and empty your cup first. So you may continue to pour tea into your cup. Get it? I hope so.
2016-02-01 10:00 pm
In Jesus and his forgiveness.
2016-02-01 8:09 pm
just find things that make you happy
2016-02-01 6:21 pm
you cant find happiness, it comes from within
2016-02-01 5:43 pm
No one is sain. Were all living a lie
2016-02-01 5:07 pm
Only inside ones own mind
2016-02-01 4:26 pm
Live Like There's No Tomorrow !!
2016-02-01 3:53 pm
Life is about perception and focus. If we are not able to see, recognize, and enjoy the good in our lives, all the fame and money in the world could not make us happy for long.

The key to happiness is in our head and attitude. What we are all looking for is peace of mind. Peace of mind is simply the absence of mental stress or anxiety. See the good in everything you purvey. Learn from the mistakes you make and move on, without fear.

The only constant in life is change. Learn and practice clear and honest critical thinking. You could start here:

Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes their way. Love and joy is an emotional experience, not an activity necessarily.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that we can alter our life simply by altering our attitude of mind. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. We cannot save the entire world in a day. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. We must BE the change we want to see. We can DO what we wish everyone would do. This is the place to start, and this will help us manage life’s constant barrage of changes.

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.

Our attitudes control our emotions. Our emotions control our lives. We control our attitudes.

Think about that.

Good luck, love, and peace to you, forever my friend.
2016-02-01 3:39 pm
2016-02-01 1:37 pm
By becoming one with the change.
2016-02-01 1:10 pm
relacionamentos ajudam e algum ambiente que não esteja asolado pela guerra lembre-se vc pode estar desanimado onde vive mais ha lugares bem piores ,a siria e um exemplo disso
2016-02-01 11:15 am
Try Tahiti!
2016-02-01 11:06 am
I find this peace you seem to seek in cosmology and physics, the realm of absolutes.
2016-02-01 11:04 am
Look for peaceful and contended people and ask them what THEY do. I firmly believe that peace of mind is a practice, not just a natural state.

The big keys to my serenity is prayer and humility. I get humility through service. I get a sense of direction through prayer.
2016-02-01 7:46 am
Follow your own path guided by the wise.
2016-02-01 7:22 am
The Bible whose texts and meanings never change. It is as certain and stead as God is.
2016-02-01 7:09 am
Go beyond the "world".
2016-02-01 7:06 am
by getting close to parents and god
2016-02-01 4:50 am
the peace comes from within.
2016-02-01 4:40 am
Stop worrying about things that are beyond your control. Focus on what you can control and improve your skills at surviving in this world.
2016-02-01 2:46 am
Music aids. I agree it is all within, meditate daily, try and separate yourself from your thoughts and become to observer. Find clarity and happiness. But in the meantime listen to good music. Bob dylan, beatles. Dance dance dance it dont matter if your good, sing sig sing, it don't matter if u can hit the notes. Express yor love, your fear, your sadness, your passion, and then comes joy. You will be exposed and vulnerable but that's growth, that's beauty and happiness
2016-01-31 9:27 pm
They don't, just live with it.
2016-02-02 3:36 am

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