toddler insists on being called a 'baby'?

2016-01-30 11:48 pm
So my daughter I nearly three and she insists that she is a she acts like a toddler in walking,talking etc I'm not worried about her development but she keeps telling me she is a baby,mama's and daddy's baby etc I just wonder if other toddlers are doing the same thing...i heard they do I there is a new baby in the house but thats not the friend has one tho that we see about once a week...

回答 (4)

2016-01-31 12:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's probably your friend's new baby that triggered it. She sees the baby getting a lot of attention and wants to be babied again. One of my neices did that too when my daughter was born.
Try telling her all the things babies can't do. For example, if she likes pizza & ice cream, you can say, "babies can't eat pizza and ice cream." Then, she'll say "I can do that!" You can follow with, "but I thought you were a baby?" Hehe. Or she might say, "do you want to play catch with this ball?" Then you say, "Babies can't throw balls." Hehe. Who knows? She might say, "I'm not a baby anymore." Lol
2016-01-31 12:04 am
It's probably your friend's baby who's started this off. It's quite normal and usual for a toddler to go through this phase so don't worry. She's probably noticed how much attention the new baby gets and thinks she'd like some of that, thanks very much mommy! So just indulge her for as long as she wants. She will get over it eventually.
2016-01-31 2:29 am
The kid can "insist" all she wants. You are the adult and you need to act like it.
2016-01-31 2:03 am
I would let this go. It shows she feels loved and secure.

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