What is your argument on gender? (masculinity vs. femininity)?

2016-01-30 8:46 pm

回答 (7)

2016-01-30 11:27 pm
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My argument on gender is that no-one is entitled to assert that a problem is based on "gender" (i.e. social construct that has nothing intrinsically to do with sex) unless they have first eliminated the possibility that it is based on sex.

This entirely demolishes all feminist theory, because no feminist theory eliminates the obvious reason for sex discrimination, that people value the sexual differences between male and female differently and there's no reason why they shouldn't.

It is not legitimate to start by ignoring all innate differences between male and female, and then assert that the differences are all due to cultural constructs, on the basis of vague collective generalisations.

On the contrary, we have to first take account of the categorical innate sexual and reproductive differences between male and female, and their logical consequences, and then ask whether these are implicated in the problems that anyone is blaming on gender.

When we do this, we find that sex and reproduction, or their logical consequences, are *ALWAYS* implicated, which means no-one is entitled to assert that the problem is gender, which means all gender policy is unjustifiable.

For example, female by definition means the offspring-bearing sex. This means that women, being female, have an unequal interest in any child they bear, for obvious reasons. It is simply factually untrue that male and female are socially or economically "equal" as concerns the interest of any given person in any given child. This means that feminism is false, by its own definition.

How can a male and a female be "socially" equal, as concerns the birth of any given child? It doesn't even make sense. That's why feminists have never agitated for an equal number of maternity hospitals for men. They themselves don't agree with their own premise. It's literally nonsense.

And how could male and female possibly be "economically" equal, unless people are going to VALUE having-a-baby "equally" with not-having-a-baby? Again it doesn't make sense, or rather, it's anti-human, which is why feminism has presided over the killing of hundreds of millions of human beings, with a convenient label and jingle for denying that they are human.

The problem of "gender" isn't that people should treat male and female equally, i.e. pretend they are the same.

The problem is that no-one has ever established any reason why people should not
a) recognise the fact that male and female are different
b) value them differently, and
c) act on these preferences.

Sex discrimination is just preference by another name. There is nothing wrong with it, because there is no reason why people should pretend that women, as a group, don't have babies and their logical consequences.

Not even feminists treat men and women equally, so why should other people who don't even agree with them?

Even if you think male and female should be treated equally, that is no reason why your opinion should be backed up by force – the law – is it?

This completely demolishes the factual, logical, ethical, social, economic and legal assumptions of all feminist theory.

All they have left is endless self-contradiction, endless despising men for their sexuality and women for their reproduction, and endless claims for special consideration for females based on double-talk and sexist hypocrisy, backed up by force, at every stage.
2016-01-30 8:49 pm
My argument is that most "theories" on this topic are bullshlt based on resentment by women of sexist oppression, or on defensiveness by men.

And anyone who can post "masculinity ____VS____ femininity" in all seriousness is a fool.
2016-01-30 10:36 pm
Scientists have shown the brain chemistry differences, hormonal differences between men and women that makes males more masculine and females more feminine. Feminists ignore such scientific realities claiming it's all just a social construct.
2016-01-30 11:19 pm
Be what you are and don't let anyone impose anything onto your personality.
2016-01-30 8:49 pm
female. all should be treated equal
2016-01-30 8:57 pm
WELL "apparently" nowadays gender, masculinity, femininity, whatever!!!!, should individually become obsolete and combined as one. Well I'll tell you what - when all women start looking like all men I'm going to retire from sex and beat my meat and watch 1970s to 1980s porn when women still looked like females.

That's my argument.
2016-01-30 8:52 pm
I just want to sleep with women without listening to them

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