Should the Queen order Obama to make her the Emperess of America to celebrate her 90th birthday and the knight the senators for obedience?

2016-01-30 9:17 am

回答 (16)

2016-01-30 2:13 pm
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Why not? After all, it may prove worth a try.

It couldn't make things any worse for Americans, even though we could not possibly want responsibility for such an unhappy place.
2016-01-30 9:21 am
What rubbish, America is a republic and has nothing to do with the queen.
2016-01-30 9:31 am
2016-01-30 9:50 am
An "empress?"

You've been reading too many fiction novels, child. Educate yourself better.
2016-01-30 7:26 pm
America gave England the big middle finger about 240 years ago. Not happening.
2016-02-01 7:25 am
The Americans were enlightened enough three centuries ago to throw off the yoke of archaic royalty. Good on them.
2016-01-30 9:48 am
US law prevents this. What a silly idea.
2016-01-30 5:25 pm
This is just being plain silly and is obviously not a serious question. America is a republic, a separate government. 1776, the US declared independence from the British monarchy. The Queen can not order any US politician to do anything.
2016-01-30 2:22 pm
the queen would be very keen to do this, it would open up all manner of revenue streams for the monarchy,
2016-01-31 3:03 am
We don`t want NO republicans near our immigrants.Are you inebriated.
2016-01-30 9:25 am
Of course he should but, knight the senators, NO! a BAD idea, very bad. Remember the admonishment given in the bible "cast not thy pearls before swine."
2016-02-01 8:41 pm
If she wants to go "bye bye"
2016-01-30 12:19 pm
Sure, why not?
2016-01-30 5:20 pm
It would be a laugh wouldn't it!
2016-01-30 8:06 pm
No need for that. The USA is already ruled from London and always was.
2016-01-30 9:20 am
No, Obama will celebrate Putin's birthday instead. His mother was Russian.

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