急!!! 我有幾題英文不會寫,幫我填空和翻譯 1.Emma had a terrible s______e.She couldn't eat anything. 2.I don't need eat any m____e. I am OK now. 3.你計畫去釣魚嗎?

2016-01-30 5:05 am

急!!! 我有幾題英文不會寫,幫我填空和翻譯 1.Emma had a terrible s______e.She couldn't eat anything. 2.I don't need eat any m____e. I am OK now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.你計畫去釣魚嗎? 4.不,我左腳好痛,我必須整天待在家裡。 5.我也不能去,我下星期有一個重要的考試。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 最後,將句子用需主詞it...或動名詞V- ing 改寫 1.Playing computer games and seeing movies are great . 以上謝謝

回答 (2)

2016-01-30 5:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Emma had a terrible *stmachache. She couldn't eat anything.

2. I don't need eat any *medicine. I am OK now.

Are you planning to go fishing?

4. No, my left foot is very painful, and I must stay at home all day.

5. I can't go too, I will have an important exam next week.

最後,將句子用需主詞it...或動名詞V- ing 改寫
1.Playing computer games and seeing movies are great .
*It is great to play computer games and watch movies.
2016-01-30 5:28 am
1.stmachache 胃痛
2.medicine 藥
3.Do you plan to go fishing?
4.No, my left foot hurts, I have to stay home all day.
5.I can not go, I have an important test next week.
1.It's great to play computer games and see movie.

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