I'm I pregnant or is my urinary tract infection getting worst?

2016-01-29 8:33 pm
My normal day of the month is in the 17 but for January I came on, on the 13 and I have been cramping since the week before I came on my period till this very day which is the 29 of January and my cramps have gotten worst especially while I'm working and I also have no health insurance to go get checked out they will bill me 500 dollars which I can't afford at the moment but I could also have an urinary tract infection I can feel it when I pee so could it just be my urinary tract infection getting worst and not pregnancy

回答 (2)

2016-01-30 6:51 am
see your gp
2016-01-30 12:20 am
A pregnancy test costs $1 at the dollar store.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:22:11
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