Jesus Christ wants you to find eternal life; if you died today, are you ready?

2016-01-29 2:39 am
Unfortunately many people do not realize that neutrality is not an option. It is either heaven or hell--the choice is up to us. Accept Jesus into your life and you will be granted eternal life.

Will you finally believe this when the mark (devil's mark - 666) on your forehead or hand is a must in order for you to sell/buy? Accepting mark also means accepting eternal torment once you die. Your soul will forever suffer and you will not be able to die in the after life.

I am here because I want to share with you guys that there is eternal life if you accept Jesus into your heart. Having him in your life is like having insurance for your life. You may have phone insurance, car insurance, whatever right? It makes no sense that you wouldn't try to have "insurance" for your life right? And I'm not talking about an $80,000 life insurance. What I'm referring to is, if you die having Jesus Christ in your heart and you obey him living a life of righteousness, you WILL not perish. Jesus said "Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death."

Again guys, I know many of you have other beliefs, but i truly tell you that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. "Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." - John 14:6

Jesus is love and he wants you to join Him in heaven, are you ready for his coming?

回答 (14)

2016-01-29 2:41 am
What if I never believe in God, but I reject the Mark o' the Beast? Heaven or Hell? Cuz I'm never worshiping ANYTHING, the Antichrist included.
2016-01-29 2:44 am
So, you know all this for a fact or are you just parroting the people who think like you and pulling something out a book of urban legends and myths?
2016-01-29 2:44 am
Unfortunately many people do not realize that "their" beliefs are not the only options out there. Many believe differently and attempting to sell yours to them who do or do not believe at all simply demonstrates that many do not require much less desire that which you are selling.
2016-01-29 2:52 am
Whatever - I'm too busy living my life. Life is a gift but life is short, I just try and be a good person so everyone else can enjoy their life. I think it is a bit sad some people throw away their life believing they will get another. Don't waste it. I don't think Jesus gives a crap one way or the other about me, oh well.
2016-01-29 2:46 am
but you have to understand that christ isn't coming back and lied to his disciples about coming back in their lifetime (before all of them had tasted death) to render out judgment and to reward everyone according to their works.

1. christ never came back in their lifetime
2. no judgment and rewards.
2016-01-29 2:40 am
For those of you who don't believe yet, I hope you find some time to really take this ADVICE into consideration because if you choose not to, you will be reminded of this when you die. All those who reject Jesus will also be rejected by Him in front of the Father.
2016-01-29 2:43 am
Jesus Christ wants you to find eternal life; if you died today, are you ready?

~~~ Nonsense!
When you die, you rot in the ground, you recycle!
Your imaginary tales leave you nothing but a juvenile delusional 'comfort' while alive, and then you rot!

Unconditional Love = God = Heaven!
Here! Now!
"Heaven is at hand!" - Jesus
Here! Now!
Anything other than unconditional Love = sin = insanity = Hell!
Here! Now!

Only unconditional Love transcends death and life!
ALL else is recycle!

Save your juvenile ignorant imagination preaching for the other naive mindless belief-addled children!
2016-01-29 3:56 am
Jesus Christ wants you to find the truth.
2016-01-29 2:45 am
If you KNOW this, why are you and your fellow members still alive?
I need to know you are the real deal and not wrong. Luckily Jesus set up a way to do that. These are the words attributed to him in the book of Matthew:
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
So, Drink a cup of drano and put it on youtube and send us a link. When you don't show any sign of harm I will know you are right and convert. If you don't, you don't believe and will not be saved according to the words of jesus. Go ahead, read the whole chapter, then get the drano out. Open it fresh in one unedited clip and... bottoms up, or admit that you are full of crap and just like to pretend you are better than people.
Wouldn't dying sort of negate the whole eternal life thing?

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