testosterone and its effects?

2016-01-29 12:27 am
My grandfather is taking some testosterone pills, and I was wondering why? I know it s the male sex hormone, but can it do anything else?

回答 (3)

2016-01-29 1:14 am
Testosterone is required for normal bodily functions of males- and supplemental testosterone is needed when normal production has significantly reduced. Symptoms of low T can be reduced strength and overall stamina; I was treated for heart failure for a while until I finally asked for my T levels to be tested- and I was quite low. Took T and have returned to normal. So it is an essential hormone for males to function. Though it is usually only provided in supplement form as topical gel or injections. Rare to see it prescribed as tablet form since it can cause liver issues. note there are tons of fake "supplements that do nothing other than drain a bank account.
2016-01-29 1:02 am
Your grandpapa is probably taking a precursor (something that leads to testosterone production) not testosterone itself. Most pills advertised as testosterone tablets have no actual testosterone, as you quickly realize when you look at the ingredient list.

The common reasons to take a precursor is to treat basic issues like loss of muscle mass -- although there are other benefits. It is generally thought (NOT proven) that precursors:

Boost Free Testosterone*
Maximize Muscle Growth*
Increase Drive & Vitality*
Modulate Androgenic Activity*

I guess they might, but if I were going to take testosterone I would want to take shots.

2016-01-29 12:47 am
It does not come in pill form.
參考: My doctor told me this.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:34:51
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