Someone said Prince Henry of Wales is hardworking and fun.If laughable that he would date a princess born female ..Especially 18-20 old..?

2016-01-28 6:34 pm
Do feel this person is jealous Henry would date a princess?

Do you think this person is jealous that HRH Prince Henry of Wales might consider and actually do?

回答 (3)

2016-01-28 6:47 pm
It would be even more laughable if he dated a princess born male.

Harry is hardworking, more so than many of his critics. They prefer to complain about how jealous they are rather than do anything about earning money themselves.
2016-01-28 11:28 pm
oh yeah he is supposed to be hardworking and fun, im not sure what hes working hard at, but hes definitely fun, allegedly. and harry dating a princess? no fear, the word is , is that hes "from the other side", which is fine by me ,and all modern right thinking people.
2016-01-29 6:19 pm
Harry is hard-working, and he does have time to have lots of fun. A princess is usually born female. I am not aware of any transgender princesses of legitimate royal houses.

It is not likely that Harry will date someone who is too young because of what happened with his mother.

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