Is it harmful to cut a dogs wiskers off?

2016-01-28 5:07 pm
As a kid I was warned by my dad not to ever cut a dogs wiskers off because they are functional....for balance etc. Now I notice pet store groomers are shaving off the wiskers as part of their grooming style. Is this harmful?

回答 (9)

2016-01-28 5:11 pm
These aren't as essential to dogs, as they are to cats who use their whiskers to judge gaps etc. At first, when showing out in Canada, because trimming like that was the norm, I started taking them off my hounds which was a nightmare because even if I thought I had them off, next time I checked they'd 'popped' out again. Just what was left. I saw NOTHING to suggest mine were in any way compromised by not having them, but eventually because it was such a hassle, I stopped doing this - and got the name from fellow professional exhibitors as that batty English woman. I still did well with my hounds, whiskers on, or not!!

Quite why groomers are doing this with pets, I have no idea. It won't harm the dog (from my first-hand experience with mine) but there's absolutely no point.
2016-01-30 2:03 pm
2016-01-29 1:11 am
ridiculous they need whiskers
2016-01-28 6:49 pm
Nope. We used to trim my dogs whiskers off for shows and she never suffered any ill effects.
2016-01-28 5:15 pm
No it's not harmful.
2016-01-29 12:03 am
Yes cause they use that to sense things. Wtf call the cops I see animal cruelty!!!!!
2016-01-28 7:07 pm
Nope, it's not harmful at all.

As Jen stated, a lot of show people cut the whiskers off their dogs before shows.
2016-01-28 6:21 pm
certainly and your dad is 100% correct many dogs also such as my wolfdog have special hairs called hollow guard hairs in their coat that their function is both to feel with and keep water off their skin As for groomers most are complete idiots that do not know what they are about at all i would never put my dogs in their hands therefore either I have much more respect for my dogs than to even consider doing so
參考: My dogs are working Sheepdogs ,,, I'm a Shepherd
2016-01-28 5:10 pm

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