Is Adele the worst singer ever?

2016-01-28 4:05 am

回答 (17)

2016-01-28 4:08 am
umm no have you heard Justin Bieber sing????????????
2016-01-28 4:06 am
Her bank account says no.
2016-01-28 4:24 am
That would be Nicki Minaj...
2016-01-28 10:17 am
You must be very brave or incredibly dumb to ask/think such a question. if adele is awful who do you think is
better?. ps im not an adele fan but i know a great voice when i hear it.
2016-02-01 1:15 am
My dogs farts smell better
2016-01-28 4:09 am
no why tf (Well in my opinion at least).
參考: adele's voice is amazing to me
2016-11-16 3:13 pm
The Worst Singer Ever
2016-02-15 4:03 am
bad singer? no
boring.. most definately
2016-02-11 3:41 am
NO. She's very good.
2016-02-02 5:06 am
No! She doesn't use auto tune and her voice is amazing. Try listening to Justin Bieber or Nirvana or Ellie Goulding or depesche mode if you want bad music.
2016-02-01 2:21 am
2016-02-01 1:30 am
I mean she sounds good, but in general she's not good. Like- she gets this treatment for messing up her vocal chords, then goes back to belting and smoking. Did she not learn her lesson the first time ??
2016-01-30 4:00 pm
I don't like her songs tbh, but no one can say she has a bad voice. In fact, I would consider hers one of the best voices of this generation.
2016-01-28 4:37 am
2016-01-28 4:10 am
LOL hater
2016-01-31 10:11 pm
No! She is the best!
2016-01-28 4:08 am
No, John Legend is.

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