Does anyone feel like this world is fake?

2016-01-28 1:09 am
This is a tough time in my life so i may be biased with my opinion, but it has brought up a point to me. I realized everything in this world is about material object... a piece of cotton makes people happy, because it has numbers on it. People think that emotions and love or so important, but once you die, you make no mark on the world, you change nothing, a life is meaningless. There are only MATERIAL object which make up lives. Money, cars, humans. everything else is fake.

Im sorry if i sound crazy by that question, but like love... people say they love you and then turn on you or are feeling down so they dont love you for a little bit, which is fake. Emotions are all fake, like nobody really love you. They make like things about you like money or looks or attributes, but there is no way that one person loves you because they are in a good mood or something like that. Does anyone else feel the same way?

回答 (8)

2016-01-28 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Don’t be a victim of the Grand Illusion. No one is happy all of the time, and no one has it any easier than anyone else. Life is about perception. If you are not able to see and enjoy the good in your life, all the fame and money in the world could not make you happy for long. Worrying about what others have or do is silly. The meaning and happiness in your life must come from you.

What we are all looking for is peace of mind. Peace of mind is simply the absence of mental stress or anxiety.

Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes their way. Love and joy is an emotional experience, not an activity necessarily.

I have been working on my personal mental attitude for many years and have gotten a good hold on it. I choose to have a positive mental attitude and I almost always feel happy.

The greatest discovery of my generation is that we can alter our life simply by altering our attitude of mind. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

By maintaining a positive, grateful, and constructive attitude toward life, we can ensure that we keep an open mind and always do our best to steer our lives in the direction we would choose for ourselves.

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up. Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad. It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.

Our attitudes control our emotions. Our emotions control our lives. We control our attitudes.

Good luck, love, and peace to you, forever.
2016-01-28 3:50 am
YES!. It is the reality.

All worlds(including heavens) are made upon desires. This is what Buddhism(ultimate reality) teach.

So, an intelligent human(or a god) will not try to go to a heaven after death. They will try to escape from all worlds. The path is 'Nobel Eightfold Path'.
參考: 'The Four Noble Truths' by Ven. Professor Rerukane Chamdavimala Maha Nahimai
2016-01-28 3:01 am
Yes.... you are absolutely right.... the world is highly materialistic and fake. I realized this long time back and in the beginning it used to disappoint me and even hurt me.... over a period of time I got used to it and learned to ignore it and not expect anything better.... meanwhile I kept my "intellectual interests" alive and they never fail to excite me every now and then apart from never letting me feel lonely or empty for the reason that people are hypocrites and relationships mostly fake and selfish and whatever exceptions there could even be, are extremely few and transient.
2016-01-28 5:06 pm
The autonomy of others will cause you much anguish in life. People can be true or false and it is easier when someone has been false to you to trash the whole of humanity and think life is "fake" rather than accept the autonomy of others and our own limited ability to control our relationships with them.
2016-01-28 4:54 am
No. It can't be or you and I are just a dream.
2016-01-28 1:35 am
not a very helpfull way of thinking. Nobody knows the right way, so make up your own
I think there are layers of importance

If you think that the only function of life is to survive time and procreate, like with animals, thats the bottom level.

But Unlike animals, we have a concious mind, we have an opinion about ourselves and others and the world around us. We can be happy about it, or sad. But we can also do something about it and make it better. Thats another level.

Then there is this thing called love
since we are concious beings we gave love a whole new meaning, a way of life. It makes or brakes your day, or life. You have to learn how to recognise it and how to go about it. Have a little faith. Your one and only is somewhere on this earth looking for you. Waiting for the right time and place.

To me things are just hobby
For young people a way to move up in society. But it will never beat having a partner in life that adores you.

You wil find one
Be patient.
2016-01-28 1:22 am
Bro, its funny, because you are absolutely right !.
Have a good day.
2016-01-28 1:12 am
I feel the exact same.
This is a terribly superficial world. All we can do is live it and die.

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