What should I do about my parents?

2016-01-28 12:56 am
to give background info: my dad had an affair 2 years ago with a co-worker and my mom found out... they wired each others phone and stuff and it has been really tense the past 6 months. They fought for like 2 years but it has been the worst recently. my mom called the police on my dad when he was saying "dont make me tell them what happened" and then "come outside so we can talk about this" my mom called the cops and my dad bailed. They almost got divorced but the judge thought there was still love there.

my mom spent like 8.5 grand one night to just waste his money to get revenge (wasting his money is her way of getting revenge) then she took out 12 grand

she never gave my dad the money back and i feel like he forgot about it. we went to italy to visit my brother, and my siblings call it the honeymoon (we go on vacation, they forget everything, are in love, and my mom wants 20 pairs of $300 shoes and purses and coats. When we got back my siblings even said how long before it got bad... i even sing she take my money (gold digger) during the honeymoon.

They just had another arguement, when i asked what its like in san francisco, my mom said "ask your father, he knows a lot about that place"... thats where he had the affair

please help... like is there something i can go to the court with so i can file for a divorce for my parents? or is there a way to put myself up for adoption?... i really hate my life recently and i literally cant live in this house

回答 (4)

2016-01-28 1:11 am
This isn't an easy or desired situation for your parents either. You need to not worry about what your mother spends, it is her money too and as long as you have a roof over your head and food to eat their, not your, financial affairs are none of your business. You should talk and or write (not type) a letter to your parents telling them how you feel and leave it for them to read if you don't have the guts to talk to them. They are probably so stressed out with their own feelings and issues right now that yours kind of is taking the back burner. I would also suggest talking to a school counselor, but don't tell them all your parents personal and private information that is no one else's business and they will help you.
2016-01-28 1:08 am
move in with a relative that you are close with
2016-01-28 1:01 am
The best thing you can do for your parents is stay out of it.
2016-01-28 1:00 am
its between your parents so you should try to stop listening or have headphones handy for when they start arguing

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