What does the last name Bracchitta mean?

2016-01-27 7:59 pm
My last name is very hard and I've been looking for years for information on it but haven't had much luck. I wanted to know the meaning of it, where it originated and if possible, where I might find some of the family records.

回答 (6)

2016-01-27 8:02 pm
2016-01-28 12:37 am
If you want to research your ancestors then you do not do word history as that is never going to help you...they are two very separate and unrelated things
Names are words they come from language, every name first or surname when taken was a choice, chosen from the language heard, spoken or which influenced the people at that time...... it was from the Latin language which was the language of the day in most of Europe and many European languages had its foundations in Latin...like English, French, Spanish, Italian and ALL of those languages were heard, spoken or or influenced many countries across the world when names were taken......... so you will NEVER find the country of "origin" of the person ( who happened to be an ancestor) by word hunting

The ONLY way to find out the origin of your ancestors regardless of their name is to research the real records they generated during their lifetime and that process starts at home with you and your own records http://familytimeline.webs.com/recordsinyourownhome.htm
2016-01-27 8:10 pm
Ancestry.Com has some records for people named Bracchitta but nothing about the origin or meaning if that is what you want

If it is Italian, it was probably originally spelled Braccitta. FamilySearch has some born in Italy. The "ch" in Italian is pronounced like a k in English. The Braccitta would be pronounced like Bra cheetah in English.
2016-01-27 10:59 pm
Sounds Italian but I can't find other info
2016-01-27 10:01 pm
Small arms. Italian.
2016-01-27 8:05 pm
Bracchitta I been looking and nothing is coming up

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