可以幫我翻成英文嗎? 雖然只有短短一個學期,你卻已經陪我們經歷了許多事。像是在籃球比賽時,你很用心的指導我們,讓我們熟悉規則。其他像運動會之類的活動,也因為有你而更精彩完美。打掃時,也因為有你的協助我們才能順利完成工作。你雖然即將離開我們,我們依然會一直一直記得你的!?

2016-01-27 1:00 pm

回答 (2)

2016-01-27 3:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You have accompanied us through many events, even though it was merely a short semester.

Such as in basketball games, you instructed us by heart helping us understand the rules.

Such as in other sports events, you made them exciting and perfect.

Such as in the facility cleaning, your plan made it smooth and easy.

You will stay with us, deep in our heart, even though you will soon depart.
2016-01-27 2:50 pm
Although only a short period of one semester, but you have already experienced many things with us. Like when the basketball game, you guide us very carefully, so we are familiar with the rules. Other activities such as sports, but also because there are more exciting you perfect. When cleaning, also because of your assistance we can get the job done. While you are about to leave us, we will still always, always remember you!

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 01:18:35
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