Does no one want to be my friend?

2016-01-27 12:28 pm
A long time ago i used to have so many friends that one couldn't believe i remembered all there names. But over the years my family went through divorce and lots of people suddenly started drifting away. i told my best friend about it (friends for nine years) and she accepted me as it is. but over the years things got worse and i got depression for three years and people stared seeing me as a psycho. anyways i failed my 11th grade and that's when everyone just gave their backs at me, even my best friend! i was shocked, sad and i would cry for days but i realized that nothing will come out of crying since no one reached there hand out to me just for comfort. so i just accepted that fact that this reality so deal with it! Since then i haven't had any actual friends and its starting to get lonely. what should i do? should i just deal with the fact maybe most people don't want me as there friend? because it seems that friends only come to you for there personal own goods to gain from you.

回答 (4)

2016-01-27 12:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your friend accepted your depression and family's divorce, but dumped you over your grades?
Believe me, she was never a friend. I don't think we ever lose friends - we just find out who our real ones are. I know loneliness sucks, but it's much better to be on your own than in bad company.
Please remember that not everyone will treat you like that. Try to make new friends by getting involved in new activities.
There are many people out there who would love to be your friend - you just have to get out there and meet them!
2016-01-27 12:45 pm
In life things and people change. You can have a million friends, but as time goes on with people changing, doing different things, their feelings, friends, interests and lives may move in a different direction to yours and you could find your friends are no longer there anymore.

This happens to us all, so don't be depressed ju7st move on with your life and things will work out well for you
2016-01-27 12:40 pm
give a party and invite all friendss u see its easy
2016-01-27 12:33 pm
If you enjoy friends and are nice to people, you will have friends. At the moment, you are just being affected by your family problems. Things will look up as long as you don't dwell on those unhappy things.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:32:06
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