The right said of my mouth Has been hurting horribly for the past 2 days?

2016-01-27 12:19 pm
I can't think of anything that could've cause it just suddenly at 11 pm 2 days ago the right side of my mouth started hurting and I took a motrin and it still hurt so then I drank water and noticed it stopped hurting as much when I drank water and kept it on the right side of my mouth

Then I went to sleep and woke up and the pain was still there and even worse

What I'd happening is there anything I can do do you know what this is

My right eye and ear also hurt but not as much as my mouth pls help it's excruciating

回答 (2)

2016-01-27 1:25 pm
sounds to me like it's a problem with your wisdom teeth and needs to be looked at by a dentist
2016-01-27 12:26 pm
It sounds like you have an infection. You should see a doctor and get yourself examined and treated. In the meantime, put a hot pack on the area, take some painkillers, and try to rest.
2016-01-27 12:23 pm
sinus infection?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:32:55
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