Should I chase this girl? (texting)?

2016-01-27 1:55 am
i really like her and she blocked me on snapchat and instagram cause when i said u bae af, she replied and then i sent a snap saying sike boi lol (jokingly) but she blocked me so fast the next didnt send saying cause you already have a bae irl

I REALLY LIKE HER, i have a connection with her, and like i thought about her and what i could have possibly done wrong all day. i asked if she hated me and what i did wrong but didnt reply. i sent links to youtube of please dont go and if she doesnt want to talk to me again goodbye my lover and thats when she replied saying im in school and seemed pretty dismissive. i asked her again today if she hates me and what i did wrong but she didnt reply again

SHOULD I SEND THE CHASE TEXT: saying like you mean so much to me and are so fun to talk to and i really like you and talking to you etc.

and idk if she is uninterested or like hurt from what i said cause the first day i texted her she called me bae and said ily

回答 (6)

2016-01-27 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Forget texting.Go after her and get to know her face to face.
2016-01-27 2:07 am
Leave her alone, you creepy a** b*stard.
2017-02-16 3:52 am
Think out of the box when it comes to dates. Do things that are unexpected and fun. You want her to feel like when she’s with you anything is possible. Learn here

She’s been on plenty of dinner-and-a-movie dates. Do a little research and find interesting places and things to do around town that’s out of the ordinary. There are hidden gems in every city. Also, get to know the owners of small restaurants and business. When your date is known by the people in the establishment, it feels more like you’re being invited into his inner circle. Just be aware that there’s a fine line between being impressive and showing off. Make sure that you make your date feel like you’re inviting her in and sharing instead of being a douche. It all goes back to intentions.
2016-01-27 2:31 am
You don't seem genuine. If she was promiscuous then she wouldnt have blocked you. Secondly girls don't like your grammer or english.
2016-01-27 2:06 am
If she's blocking you, then you have no shot.
2016-01-27 1:57 am
Do not send the chase text, she might think you're annoying...

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