What's your favorite season?

2016-01-27 12:34 am

回答 (16)

2016-01-27 2:34 am
no bugs
no snow
no dying

If you choose best answer, leave comments
2016-01-27 1:01 am
2016-01-27 3:10 am
My favorite is winter.
2016-01-27 2:58 am
2016-01-27 1:30 am
winter,because of snowing
2016-01-27 1:03 am
Fall, I love everything about it.
2016-01-27 12:55 am
2016-01-27 12:49 am
2016-01-27 12:48 am
2016-01-27 12:42 am
Spring for the sense of renewal but there are interesting things to see and do in every season
2016-01-27 12:42 am
Bikini season
2016-01-27 12:40 am
2016-01-27 12:39 am
Spring, love the days getting longer and the weather getting warmer
2016-01-27 12:38 am
In Spring my allergies become intolerable and I hate all the rain...

In Summer it's just way too hot and everything is always crowded

In Winter it's too cold, and I hate the snow

HOWEVER, in Autumn it is the perfect mix of hot and cool, I love the changing of the leaves, and the holiday spirit that takes place. So Fall is my favorite season!
2016-01-27 12:37 am
spring , the time when living things awaken and celebrate new life.
2016-01-27 12:36 am
spring :)

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:34:01
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