哪位英文高手能將以下句子翻譯成英文: 哪位英文高手能將幫忙將以下句子翻譯成英文: 此部電視劇也沒有歧視男人,就因為英雄人物是女性或片中強調"女孩"的身分,就認定這是一部女權主義的電視劇,實在不合理,也許是你太敏感,或是你打從心底就不認同女人能當英雄。?

2016-01-26 11:57 pm

回答 (2)

2016-01-27 12:19 am
Who can translate the following passage into English?

Who can help me translate the following passage into English?

This TV series does not discriminate against males.

It is not reasonable to tag it feministic just because the the lead actor is a girl and her identity is emphasized.

Could it be that you are overly sensitive? Or unable to accept females taking the lead?

2016-01-27 2:16 am
This TV drama does not discriminate against man. It is unreasonable to tag it being feminist only because the lead character is a female or it emphasizes the identity of being a “girl”. Perhaps you are too sensitive, or just deep down disapprove that a woman can be heroic.
[句尾的「英雄」(hero)在英語本身是”男性詞”,英語中有「女英雄」(或中文「英雌」)的女性詞heroine,可以作為取代,但按行文意思,「當英雄」並不只是身份名詞,而是行為的性質,因此選用形容詞”being heroic”作譯。]

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