do i have to pay for health insurance if i don't have a job and am leaving the country for 6 months?

2016-01-26 11:25 pm

回答 (7)

2016-01-27 3:33 pm
Either way: you still need to have some sort of medical insurance which covers you overseas: you can get sick - hurt there too...........
2016-01-27 2:41 pm
You don't have to pay for health insurance at all. Whether or not there's any tax consequences is a separate question.
2016-01-27 5:20 am
No, you complete an exemption form when you file your tax return.
2016-01-27 3:27 am
Whether you "have a job" is not a factor. If you have enough taxable income, even if it is not from a job (for example, it could be from alimony, gambling, investments, etc.), then you are required to have insurance.
2016-01-27 3:23 am
No. You can always choose to pay the fine instead.
2016-01-26 11:41 pm
Problem is if you don't have insurance and get sick overseas, then open enrollment would be closed when you got back. So, talk to a knowledgable insurance broker. It might make sense to have health insurance for here AND get a travel health insurance plan. Kinda depends on the details of the travel.
2016-01-26 11:31 pm
Travel insurance is usually designed to complement your regular insurance, not replace it - it will take care of emergency treatment abroad, but with the expectation you're sent home, which will be expensive
2016-01-26 11:28 pm
All the more reason to have health insurance, and one that covers you while you are out of the country. If you become ill or are in an accident, you need the coverage.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 21:37:54
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