Do you think I would be an okay nurse?

2016-01-26 9:20 pm
I have been looking into what I want to go into, I am changing programs, originally I was in psychology, but I didn't feel like it was right for me, or likely for me to find a job upon graduation.

So I have been looking into other programs, and a few that I have gained interest in are psychiatric nursing, registered nursing, radiation technologist, sonography technologist, but also massage therapy.

These are all quite different, I know, but I know I want to help people.
Going into nursing has really grabbed my attention, because upon graduating from a nursing program I can go into pretty much any of the other jobs, and find a job upon graduating.

BUT, I am scared I won't be a good nurse. I am patient, organized, task oriented and caring and maternal naturally. But, I am emotional, can become easily overwhelmed, and along with that, I have a fear of needles.

What do you think?

No, sorry, I wasn't clear. I mean from a nursing program, I have the credentials to enter into those other programs to be qualified as a sonography technologist or psychiatric nurse. They are postgraduate degrees.

回答 (2)

2016-01-26 9:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may have a fear of needles but, do you have a fear of sticking them into people? You can get over that pretty easily. I had a very old cat with kidney failure. She needed more water to flush her system than she could possibly drink. I could never imagine poking a needle into my beloved sweetheart and those needles are a lot thicker than those that go into humans. However, the cost to have the vet do it was very high. He showed me how to do it and, after once, it wasn 't too bad. It did not hurt her. The fluids extended her life from about 19 to 22 1/2 years, starting out about once a week to about every other day. I think the needle part of it would be a small issue to get over. There are other aspects that would bother me much, much more, like hearing someone groaning in pain and not being able to help them. But, as a nurse, you would be able to help. From what I know, it would be a great career "with" job openings and it sounds like you would make a wonderful nurse, no matter what level you choose.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience.
2016-01-26 11:06 pm
I think you have been mislead somewhere. If you are an an RN, you work as an RN. You are not qualified to work as an LMT or Rad Tech. Yes, as an RN, you can get an x-ray and/or ultrasound credential, but it's NOT the same as being a Radiography Technologist or Sonography/Ultrasound Tech.

You also don't qualify to see patients as a "psychiatric nurse". These are NPs - it requires a Master's degree.

Fear of needles takes you out of patient care. Everyone who works in patient care will see needles. You would need to overcome it. Speak with a psychiatrist about the best way to do it *for you*. It may be volunteering at a blood drive. It may be watching flu shot videos. Or, if you have a true phobia, it might take significant psychotherapy to make it tolerable.

If you are easily overwhelmed, you need to specifically bring this up with the Psychiatrist as well and work through it. Being unable to work under stress removes you from pretty much any health care field job and most decent jobs out there. Jobs have specific requirements and deadlines and if you will be breaking down if you are asked to do three different things, it just won't work. And trust me, when it rains, it pours.

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but right now, you just don't sound like a good fit for health care. Perhaps in the future, once you've gotten your needle issue and stress issues under control, it will be a different story. I wish you nothing but success.

Good Luck!
2016-05-30 6:30 am

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