Do hospital programs ever higher their students after they graduate?

2016-01-26 4:56 am

回答 (4)

2016-01-26 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is a "hospital program"? Graduate from *what*?


Large metro hospitals rarely hire new grads of any kind, other than providers (MD, DO, DPM, PA, NP). And even then, in my area, most providers are clinic based, not hospital based. Smaller, rural, or hospital without a training program nearby will hire new grads more frequently.
2016-01-26 6:12 am
*Hire. Yes, sometimes. If they : have positions, and you excel.
2016-01-26 11:08 am
Yes, they do. A lot of times they will intern them as students.
2016-01-26 6:57 am

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