How to get past this stage of depression?

2016-01-26 3:56 am
I have bipolar disorder. I am in a depressive stage right now. I have a lack of motivation. I don't like waking up in the morning for school. I usually isolate myself in my depressive stage. I sit aloneat lunch, don't talk unless I'm talked to first, i will respond with minimum word responses. I can't find something to make me happy. I used to love baking but now I just feel very lazy and like I have no reason to or have no hapiness from it. I just feel like i've been drained of motivation. I am not depressed, because these come in waves (and I also have mania so) how can I make myself happy while getting through this? I am not open to counslers so please don't say to talk to someone. I just wanna be happy again

回答 (2)

2016-01-28 3:39 am
I've written many depression answers, also some anxiety answers, with information from experts on a variety of topics. If you click on my name and read my answers, you might find something there you'll find useful. Also, if you go to my questions, you'll find an informative post, "Can someone list treatments for depression?"

This is from a book by psychiatrists Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg, who have spent years studying the effects of controlled breathing on the autonomic nervous system, moods, and mental health. If you just breathe slowly, 5 breaths a minute, about 4 seconds inhale and 4 seconds exhale, for 20 minutes, that should make you feel better. They say that doing 20 minutes twice a day is an actual treatment for depression. Their book is The Healing Power of the Breath. In their book, they talk about other mind-body things that help - body movement and meditation. If you're interested in meditation, PalouseMindfulness is recognized by universities and mental health profressionals and it's absolutely free.
2016-01-26 4:00 am
Uh....and medication can make you happy. But you have to go, get diagnosed, get the medicine.

Sorry, but I think you're crazy not to get help.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:31:02
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