What is the highest paying doctor/surgeon?

2016-01-26 1:49 am

回答 (9)

2016-01-26 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Highest paying? What is the physician paying for?

Are you attempting to ask which physicians tend to earn the most, on average?

Neurosurgeons and Cadiac Surgeons typically earn the most money. Cardiac surgeons, however, have been under increased FDA scrutiny due to some dishonest billing practices that led to the high salaries.

In general, the longer the residency/fellowship, the more the physician will earn.

Plastics can also do very well, depending on reimbursements and patient base. Orthopedic Surgeons do well, very well, but not usually on par with neurosurgery or cardiac.

The other thing to remember is that it's all situational. I know podiatrist surgeons who make &500,000-$1,000,000 and others who make $75k. An anesthesiologist in an area substrates with CRNAs might make $150k and in an area that uses mostly MDs, $350k.
2016-12-11 9:16 pm
Highest Paying Doctor
2016-09-29 6:19 pm
Highest Paid Surgeon
2016-05-28 6:06 pm
參考: Phone Medical Consultations Anytime : http://OnlinePhysician.neatprim.com/?SGyN
2016-01-26 11:14 am
Cardio thoracic surgeon or sports orthopedist (especially if you get a job with professional athletes)
2016-01-26 6:13 am
According to the latest AMA (american medical assoc), orthopedists, and also interventional radiologists.
2016-01-26 1:56 am
orthopedic surgery
2016-01-26 3:52 am
Interventional cardiology and orthopedics are among the highest. Salaries vary depending on geography and on contractual arrangements, so there will be considerable overlap between different specialties.
2016-01-26 1:50 am
brain surgeon

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:30:51
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