Girl going on 26. Dating guy going on 21. Too weird?

2016-01-25 11:09 pm
Age gap? He's very mature for his age and such a gentleman.

回答 (3)

2016-01-25 11:21 pm
The only weird aspect is that you even worry about age
You are both adults if you like each other why do you worry what others think
Go with your feelings not what others think
2016-01-25 11:13 pm
Is a 26-year-old guy going out with a 21-year-old girl weird? (Yes, I know I switched the ages, it's my point). No, and it isn't the other way around either.
2016-01-25 11:11 pm

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:31:41
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