I'll be 26 this year, I'm dating a guy who will be 21 this year. Is that too much of an age gap?

2016-01-25 10:54 pm

He is actually really mature for his age and such a gentleman. But...is it weird?

回答 (12)

2016-01-25 11:20 pm
U are fine....he is legal to stick it in
2016-01-28 1:53 am
At least from a sexual standpoint - that's about as perfect as it gets. NORMALLY you ladies reach the peak of your sex drive in your early 30's - us guys - between the ages of 20 to 25.

Here's the possible problem - regardless of either sexes drive at your age, you can't be sure what your respective drive will be 5, 10, etc., etc., years down the road. Some members of either sex have their drive dwindle done to nothing by the time their in there mid to late 30's. Others go like gang busters until their in their 80's - like me. LOL And I'm not kidding. -)

Therein lies the reason that having a common ground on other things besides sex is essential for most successful relationships. Because if you want sex when your 65, and he lost all or almost all of his drive by the time he was 40 - you'll find yourself in one hell of a spot. You've been wanting sexual activity for the last 20 years, and he thinks there's something wrong with you. Keep all that in mind and maybe you won't be so hard on people who get divorced in their 40's. Good luck
2016-01-27 11:47 pm
Use your advanced age like wisdom. Teach him anything you can and reward him when appropriate.
2016-01-27 5:57 pm
no 6 years is not bad
2016-01-27 4:49 am
Not at all. Both my parents and oldest sister with her husband have the same exact age gap. Both of those relationships are really happy with each other and the age was never a problem. Look hun, morale of the story is; age, height, weight, distance, they're all numbers. Do they even matter at all when you love someone? I don't think so....
2016-01-26 9:14 pm
My biggest age gap was 8 years. But then again, I have always liked older women.

When I was 19, my mom had a problem with one of my girlfriends but then I pointed out that my stepdad was 8 years younger than her and she shut right up.
2016-01-26 7:09 am
Nope. My parents have a 19 years difference.
2016-01-26 3:54 am
No, you're both adults and if it works, good. It's only bad if you're 25 looking at a teenager. This isn't the case with you, so enjoy! Good luck
2016-01-25 11:10 pm
Well it's okay for dating. The age gap does not really matter since you guys are both mature :)
2016-01-25 10:59 pm
No not at all, its more a matter of context and how similar you are in your maturity and interests. Its really not a big deal of an age gap lol.
2016-01-26 1:08 pm
age doesn't matter
2016-01-26 4:12 am
As a guy I wouldn't do it. People who say it's fine is just double standard

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