My mom yells at me for no reason? (I'm 19, F) (Long question, would appreciate it if you made it through the whole thing)?

2016-01-25 6:37 pm
My mom keeps yelling at me and hitting me for no fault of mine. Like she complains I'm on the wifi too much and if i do stuff like don't put by my shoes she comes to my room and starts yelling at me and hitting me
She's been making me cry everyday for a very long time and it's gotten so bad that if it doesnt feel right if i dont feel that deep pain in my chest at least once a day. I'm addicted to it...?? I dont know
She has huge problems with her temper and if i reply normally to her she says that's talking back and says "What does it take for you to listen?? Do you want me to die because you wont listen to me and you're making my blood pressure go up?? Would you feel better if i died?" and then she starts banging her head on the door or somrthing till I start crying and beg her to stop

But recently i've gotten tired of her pushing me around and i dont give in to her anymore... She made me cry today because I didn't wash my hair or something

I told her she needs help but she told me to f*ck off

Is this normal? I'm pretty sure it isnt but on a scale of 1 to 10 how crazy is this??
Do you think my mom needs help?
Do you think I just have a bad attitude and nothing is wrong with my mom?
Is being addicted to emotional pain a cause for concern?

Thank you so much for being patient

回答 (4)

2016-01-25 6:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Okay, so you sound A LOT like my friend's relationship with her mom. I think it's just that your mom really cares for you and doesn't want you to get into any type of trouble or tough situation once you move out. If your dad's never around or isn't around, this maybe a reason why she's acting like this. If you report this, your mom could end up being labeled as mentally ill or charged for abuse towards children.
As for your pain addiction... that's really bad and could lead you in a direction much like your mother's. It sounds to me like she could've been addicted to emotional pain, and maybe genes transferred it to you too. Here's a sight on emotional pain addiction:
About your mom, please get help for her. She may one day commit suicide, and I promise you that you'll regret it if you don't get help for her. It made me want to cry just reading this.... :(
Anyways....Good luck with your mom and your emotional pain!!! :D

PS.... is it too much to ask for this to be a best answer...? ;)
2016-01-25 6:53 pm
Everything your mother says and does is about her. She sounds like she is very miserable on the inside.... it''s unfair but people seem to take out their frustrations on those closest to them at times. No, it's not right, it's dysfunctional and it's also cruel

Your mother needs to sort out her issues and work them out on her own. No its not normal for a mom to tell their kid to fucckk off.... or cuss at them in any way. Your mom is emotionally abusive, and it's not your fault, she's sick.

You COULD stop feeding her negativity. How? Well, it's going to take some work on your part, but i have a suggestion. Instead of reacting to the negative things she says, take a breath, tell her you're sorry she feels that way, then go about your business. Another way you might respond is by being calm and asking her what you can do to help her feel better because you think she's struggling. Both of these things will likely surprise her. YOU have to remain calm and even seem pleasant. It's going to take some work.

At other times, you might just look at her, smile and say "i love you mom", then go about your business as if what she said does not bother you one way or the other. You might also try just changing the subject, and saying something like "gee, do you think it's going to be sunny tomorrow?"... just anything you can think of. Regardless of how she responds, just go about your business, be pleasant (or pretend to) and act calm and as if you don't notice her idiotic behavior.

You can also do something like responding by just looking at her, smiling, then get up and go do something else -- like start cleaning the bathroom or get ready to take a shower, or open a book... as if she's not there.

All these things are ways you are NOT feeding her negativity.

By crying, yelling back, screaming, having a fit, or coming back with some negative comment in response to her yelling at you, you are feeding her bad behavior. But, by acting as if it doesn't bother you, etc., you are using reverse psychology. Eventually (and it may take a while), she is going to cut way back on her negativity and hopefully handle her issues on her own.

You cant fix her, but you can stop reacting negatively. Because when you do, it's just like tossing gasoline onto a fire..... you are giving her fuel to continue. If you take away the fuel, she can only smolder, not explode into more fire.

Try it... see how it goes. You might have to give it several months, but it is worth the effort.

This may also help you to practice being more positive and cheerful. And the "i love you, Mom" response might make her stop in her tracks. Really.

You two don't need all this insanity in your lives. And your mom needs to learn how to handle her inner anger and bitterness in some other way, besides taking it all out on you. Don't let her do it anymore. Work her!

I know for a fact that this works - i have had two people in my lives whose behavior i curbed by doing just these things. It did take a while, once in a while, they try to revert back to their old, dramatic behavior, but i stop it dead in its tracks. I don't need to be around it. neither do you. If the other person (your mom ) doesn't want to stop the insanity, then you can do it for her.

take care
2016-01-25 11:55 pm
sounds like she needs to go to the psych ward and you need to move out
2016-01-25 6:52 pm
call the police shes a crazy psycho and show her this answer please.

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