Should I wish my husband a happy birthday. We have recently fought?

2016-01-25 3:27 pm
And I really don't feel like making up.
I had planned a lot of things for him, including an expensive present but I am in no mood to celebrate now as he has been giving me the silent treatement since the fight.
Should I just ignore the event or make up and wish him

回答 (5)

2016-01-25 4:19 pm
This is where the marriage vows--the promises you made and totally meant to honor--kick in. Bad behavior on both your parts does not override "for better or worse."

You're both being petty and juvenile. How about behaving like a grown woman who keeps her promises to love and cherish this man, despite any ongoing arguments and the resulting fallout of the silent treatment.

You could, in fact, break the logjam by celebrating his birthday as if the argument had not happened.
2016-01-25 3:31 pm
You should make up and tell him happy birthday. It's the right thing to do. Besides, not telling him happy birthday will cause more fights probably.
2016-01-25 4:37 pm
If he is your husband there is unconditional love. You were married for "better or for worse, through thick and thin". This is the day he was born on, wish him a happy birthday. In the end you are still married and if you love each other you should recognize this. Everyone has their own opinions and this is the cause to most arguments, because of disagreeing on something. Sometimes it just takes a bigger person to bow out.
2016-01-25 3:47 pm
You obviously have reached the 'Mature' stage of your relationship....
2016-01-25 3:34 pm
Yeah,I agree with Zoe here,not saying happy birthday would cause more of a fuss.Saying Happy Birthday is right thing to do.Maybe it'll even calm down the fight between you guys

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